Gimme a kiss you idiot

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Velma's pov

I take of my shirt, again, and throw it onto the end of my bed.

Then my shorts.

I find my night gown, and put it on.

I had no idea what my parents would do once they got time to think about everything.

So for now, everything I could do was to keep out of trouble.

How hard could that be?

Then I hear a light knock on my window.

"Mouthpiece, you can't be here" I say as my boyfriend climbs through my window.

"I had to see how you where holding up" He says, smiling at me.

I give him a hug, then we share a quick kiss.

"I'm glad you're here" I whisper to him so my parents don't hear sound coming from my room.

"I checked in on Grazi for you, I know yous always worrying bout er"

"Oh my goodness, thank you! How's she doing?"

"Oh she's real well! Ice's taking real good care of er" He assures me.

I respond with a blank stare.

"No... Please don't tell me"

"That I walked in on them mid make out session, okay I won't"

"Mouthpiece!" I whisper scream annoyed.

"Velma, how is that my fault?" He laughes.

I shake my head and laugh.

"Gimme a kiss now you idiot" I say as I take his collar and pull him into a kiss.

The door open, and my mom stands there in the opening looking a tiny bit dizzy.

"Uhh" she mumbles in shock.

Mouthpiece reaches out his hand towards my mother, and flashes his million dollar smile.

"Hello mame. I'm Mouthpiece, I believe I'm your daughters boyfriend"

My mother just stands there with her mouth wide open.

"Uh eh" she mumbles, than shakes her head as a sorta restart.

"Get out of my house" she says.

He nods, gives me a kiss, then climbes back out of my window.

One last peice of you (Graziella Wss)Where stories live. Discover now