What's your favorite kinda blue?

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Grazi's pov

I lean in, and my lips meet his.

He doesn't pull away.

He just kisses me back without a second thought.

For a second the entire world disappears, and there is nothing but us.

I lay my arms around his neck, and he puts his around my waist, pulling me closer.

It felt like fireworks where going of.

Eventually we break apart. He stops and looks at me for a second before letting go of me and getting up.

"Are you okay?" I ask, I'm getting worried, is he always behaving this odd?

"I'm, yeah, sure I'm fine" he says filling a glass with water.

"I'm sorry" I say in a small voice, and feeling rather stupid all of a sudden.

"Don't be, it's just" he fumbles for the right words.

"What the fuck are we doing?" He counties.

I tilt my head in confusion.

"I just got out of a relationship, like an hour ago. You are pregnant, with one of my best friends child."

"But that's just that" I say looking down at the floor.

"Those relationships are over" I look up at him again.

"You can't live looking back forever"

He turns his head and looks at me for a moment, before he walks back over to me.

He reaches out his hand towards me, stand I take it, letting him help me up.

I lay my arms around his neck, and he lays his own around my waist.

"Okay Blondie, let's say we don't have any history. You've never dated any of my friends, and I've never dated any of yours"

"Well if we've just met, I would love to get to know you"

He smiles, and gently rubs his thumb on my back.

"Okay, then, what's your name?" He asks.

"My name is Grace ElianaTrikonis, but all my friends call me Graziella"

I move a little closer before asking him, "whats your's?"

He doesn't answer right away.

But the he looks me straight into the eyes and answer, "Henry".

I'm so shocked I don't even know what to say.

"What?! I was not expecting that at all" I say, and I literally can not stop smiling.

He laughes a little before continuing.

"Yeah I was named after my grandfather or somethin', doesn't matter really"

"I'm so gonna start calling you Henry" I tease him.

"Oh no the fuck you won't"

"Next question, favorite color" I say in all seriousness, as if this was do be the most important question ever.


"Oh come on, that's it?" I say a little disappointed.

"Yeah, what's yours?" He asks

I sink down a little know my answer.

"Blue..." I say quietly.

This causes him to laugh.

So I coutinue, defending myself.

"But not just blue, it's like, a sorta green blue, like cyan"

"Kinda like the color you always wear"

"Exactly, what about you?"

I get even closer to his face, and say as seductively as I possibly can, "what's your favorite kinda blue?"

"I don't know, like a navy blue maybe"

"See, that wasn't so hard"

And with that, it seems we know each other good enough, because, in what seems like unison, we lean in and close the gap between us.

"I knew it!" A voice says from the direction of the door.

Ice turns to the door with an annoyed mine on his face.

"Hello Mouthpiece"

Right now I'm just writing what ever I want, I've spent a lot of time on wiki fandom tryna find shit on these people.

It's a lot of interesting stuff there tho. But some of it I've chosen to ignore. Like Ice's 'real' name, I just really felt like draggin newsies into this🤭

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