It's a jets party

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Grazi's pov
TW: swearing, drinking (lmk if there is something else)

I'm sitting in the corner of the room looking over the jets.

Everyone looks happy to be together again.

I thought this is what I wanted, for the jets to get back together, and things to go back to how they were.

What was I even thinking?

Even if the jets get back, doesn't mean Riff will come back.

"Having fun are we?"

Ice holds a glass of alcohol free drink towards me.

I shrug, and take a sip of my drink.

"Come on Grazi, this might just be the last party you'll go to before the baby. Enjoy it!" He says taking my hand, and dragging my up from my seat.

"Ironic, I don't see you enjoying the party very much"

"Well I'm not having a baby, am I?"

"A baby?" Big deal looks between the two of us.

"We're having a baby?!" Diesel asks excitedly.

Damn these guys. Why do they always make me laugh.

I put my hands under my belly, so that the skirt forms around it, for them to get a better view.

They bend down with big eyes, and look at the bump.

"Grazi you're pregnant?!" Tessie comes running over to me.

The jet girls were following right behind her.

Velma pops up next to me, and lays an arm around me.

"I'll make a toast" she says so that only I can hear it.

"Do not" I hiss at her.

"I will"

"Velma. No."

"I'm gonna do it"

She jumps on top of the table next to us, and dings her glass.

"Everyone, may I please get your attention? Some of you already know this, but I think everyone deserves to know, that in 2 and a half months, the first ever jet baby will be born. Everyone give it up for Graziella, and her baby bump"

Geez Velma, was this your plan all along? A pregnancy announcement party. Well played girlfriend, well played.

And would you look at that, now I'm surrounded by people.

"Is that why you lashed at me last time we met?" Balkan askes, witch makes Velma and Ice laugh.

"Is it Riff's baby?" Baby John asks.

"What will you be naming it?" Karen and Snowboy asked at the same time.

"Is it a boy or girl?"

"Where will you live?"

"Does your parents know?"

"Okey thats enough! Give her some room!" Ice exclaimes.

Surprisingly everyone listenes, and backs up a little.

'Thank you' I mouth to him.

He smiles and mouths back 'no problem'.

Velma's pov

I walk back to the couch in the living room alongside some of the other girls.

Grazi definitely needed a little space, and I'm more than happy to catch up with the others.

One last peice of you (Graziella Wss)Where stories live. Discover now