All around me are familiar faces

23 2 0

TW: swearing, emotions A LOT of emotions

"We need flour, eggs and apple's" Velma says looking down at the note in her hand.

We where on our way to the market, I haven't left her house since I moved in a week ago.

"Oh my god Grazi, your parents aren't here, don't look so paranoid. They probably wouldn't be caught dead here" Velma says in a slightly mocking tone.

"You never know who you will run into here" I say defending my self.

She just rolls her eyes and start heading over to the stand whit the flour and stuff.

"Will you go get some apples?" She askes.

I nod even though I know she has her back turned at me.

*Skip cause I can, she's now bought apple's*

Over whit the fruit stand I've payed for my apples.

Huh, I haven met anyone I know, that's, oh shit.

Action and Diesel.

I can't run in to them, I really can't.

I take a few steps back and run into someone.

"Sorry" I say and turn to face the person I bumped into.


I've been so obsessed trying to avoid the jet's, the sharks haven't even crossed my mind.

I just stand there whit a blank expression on my face for an uncomfortable long time.

So does she. Until she cracks a small smile.

I mirror her and smile back.

"Hi" Jeez that sounded way more awkward than intended.

"Hi" she responds.

Wait, did I just smile and greet my enimie?

Well, there isn't really a reason to be enimies anymore, but it still feels weird.

"I'm sorry about Riff" she says, something in her voice gives away that she felt weird saying that.


There is a pause.

"I'm sorry about Bernardo. And that you had to go through everything whit, you know, the jet's and all that. That I couldn't stop it"

Why does it feel like that was something I had been waiting to say to her?

She smiles a sad smile and looks to the ground.

"Okay, I know this will be weird, taking our history and all that, but it feels like you are the only person who is going to understand me, so, do you want to meet up some time and talk?"

She looks at me weirdly so I quickly ad "Or not. I understand if you don't want to"

"You know what? I think it would be great to get a new start. I will not hold you accountable for your boyfriend's action's"

I smile at her.

No, no not here!

Damn hormones.

I start crying and give her a hug.

"Thank you. You know you're a good person. It totally makes me forget you're Puerto Rican" I sob into her shoulder.

She pats me on the back, and pull away.

"Eh, thank you. Meet me here tomorrow six PM, okay?"

"Okey" I continue sobbing.

She walks away and I just keep standing here like an idiot bawling my eyes out.

"Grazi" a familiar voice says from behind me.

I turn and lose my balance in the way, just letting me fall into the arms of the voice.

"Balkan! I haven't seen you in a while"

I try to act cool as if his hands under my arms aren't the only thing keeping me from face planting.

"Are you crying?"

And my eyes stars pouring out again.

"Yes I am, don't judge me. Had you been a woman you'd understand that feeling aren't meant to be hidden away, it's not healthy. You men are pussy's, are afraid to show feeling's, well you know what? IT'S YOU IT WILL ALL GO TO HELL FOR IN THE END! THE FEELING'S WILL TAKE OVER BALKAN! TAKE OVER!"

Huh, I think I've mastered the art of 'playing it cool'.

Balkan looks down at me whit a worried, and some what disturbed look on his face.

"Hormones" Ice is aprotchin us.

"Ah, that actually explains a lot"   Balkan lifts me up helping me back on my feet.

I wipe away the mascara running down my face, whit out any great success.

"Is it that time of the month?" Balkan has the audacity to ask.

I glare at him.

Does this son of a bitch want to die?

"NO! Can I not be emotional for mor than one week every month? Huh?"

Velma walks over to us, trying to understand the situation.

"He asked if she was on her monthly" Ice fills her in.

"Are you serious? Do you like want to die?"

Now Velma is getting worked up as well.

"If you'd get mad we'd just except that you're human, why can't you do the same for us?"

Yea, this is why Velma is my best friend, that girl always has my back.

Balkan look over at Ice for help as we continue to yell at him, but Ice just stands there enjoying the show.

As we finally calm down Balkan finally gets his words out.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know....that would happen"

He gesture's to Velma and I.

"We're done now, you can leave" Velma smiles at him.

He takes the chance and leaves, flipping his coin now and then.

I look over at Ice who's standing there whit a smug look on on his face.

"Keep cooley cool girl" and whit that he walks of.

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter.

It felt really random to just throw Balkan in here, but I love Kyle Allen so I knew he had to be a part of the story at some point.

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