It's not you, anymore

25 3 0

Ice's pov

Karen is standing in the hallway looking into the apartment.

Her eyes meet Grazi's, and she looks slightly defeat.

She sighs and look back up at me.

"Ice" she says stiffly.

I move to the side fer her to enter the room.

"Graziella" Karen says, acting surprised, as if she didn't see her from the hallway.

Grazi greets her with a smile.

"I, eh, I'll leave you two alone" Grazi says, and walks out closing the door behind her.

Karen looks at me as if she's waiting for me to say something.

She shakes her head bitting down on her lower lip.

"What's going on?" She eventually asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you serious? I haven't heard a word from you in 7 months, and now you and Graziella are like a thing or whatever!"

"She's in need of help Karen! What do you want me to do? Turn my back on her?"

"You had no problem turning your back on me Ice" Karen's voice is starting to shake, and I can tell she's about to start crying.

"Nothing's happened"


I can't really defend that either, I was just about to kiss Grazi before Karen knocked on the door.

"Look, I'm sorry if I've done something to upset you.."

"Upset me?! This is the first time I've seen you in over half a year, and you spend almost the entire night with another girl!"

Tears are flooding down her face by now.

"If she's the one you want, don't let me stand in your way. But at least have the balls to say so to my face"

She takes a few steps closer to me.

"Do not, let me hear it from anyone else, Ice. Don't let me be the last person to know"

I look away from her.

I can't seem to gather my thoughts when I see her like that.

"Look at me. Ice, please look at me" she cries.

My eyes are starting to get warm.

I look back at her, and take a deep breath.

"We can't go on Karen"

She turns away from me, putting one hand up to her heart as he slowly takes a few steps away from me.

"Is it because of her?" She asks quietly, and looks over her shoulder.

"I don't know"

She hust looks at me with big, glossy, hurt, eyes.

"But, I do know, that it's no you anymore" as those words leave my mouth, I can't help my voice from breaking at the end.

She nods, and look down at the floor.

Then she takes a deep breath, turns to me and mutters, "thank you for telling me"

And with that, she walks away.

Into the hallway, but leaves the door open.

I go to close it, but in the end, I find myself watching her walk down the corridor.

This was fun writing...WHY WAS THIS FUN WRITING?! I have a thing for tragedies, and depressive stories...Fun!

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