Am I ruining your life?

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Grazi's pov
TW: Swearing

I'm now 6 months pregnant and I've started to just not give a fuck about what any one else think.

I like that feeling, just not giving a fuck.

Being pregnant, not so much.

I'm tired and moody all the time.

"Velma, am I ruining your life?"

"What? No, of course not Grazi, why would you think that?"

"Well Ice has been really fed up with me lately"

"Probably cause you are invading his personal life and space everytime Velma's parents are home" Mouthpiece shoots in.

He was spending a lot of time with Velma lately.

Or maybe it was just that I hadn't thought of it before now.

I should pay more attention to my best friend's life.

"Well what do you recommend I'd do?" I hiss at him.

He shrugs before continuing, "Can't you just stay even if they're home"

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" I quickly jump up from the sofa, but sit back down almost immediately out of dizziness.

"In the environment you grew up in people don't give a fuck about each other, here adults will take every opportunity they get to criticize young girls, news like a pregnancy out side marriage with a well known dead gang leader, criminal gang leader. How could she ever show her face in public ever again?!" Velma spits at her boyfriend.

"Thank you Velms, that speech really encourage me, so up lifting" I sarcastically tell her.

"Any time babe"

I get up and start walking towards the door.

"Are you meeting Ice?" Mouthpiece asks.


"Then where are you going?" Velma questions.

"It's about damn time I give my dear Mommy and Daddy a piece of my mind"

Ohh cliffhanger, kind of...

Sorry it been a long time since I've posted, I've been really busy with school. It's my first year in "vidergående" (kind of like college in Norway), but I'll try to get better at posting.

Also I'm working on a new story, it's a murderer mystery newsies fanfic.

Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it.

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