Dresses and Dinner

28 1 4

TW: talk about body weight, swearing, puking

I'm starting to realize that hiding the fact that I'm whit child is going to be nearly impossible.

"The dress won't close"

"It's just to small mommy, it's no big deal. I can just wear another one to dinner"

Shit, I can feel sweat starting to make it's way out of my skin.

"Nonsense Gracie, this dress fit you perfectly when your father gave it to you a few months ago" she keeps trying to pull up the sipper.

"How strange, from now on Grace you're going to watch even closer to what you eat. It's a pity, this dress sure would make Charles Chamberlain fall head over heals for you" Mommy finally gives up on the dress and pull's the sipper back down.

"Charles and I have met before"

The Chamberlain's where friends of my parents. Daddy worked whit Mr Chamberlain, he had always had this idea that I would marry Charles one day.

"Grace, what is this?" Mommy pull's a blue dress out of my closet. It's the dress from the dance.

"It's a dress" I try to act as if I can't see that there is something wrong with it. Or at least that she thinks is wrong.

"Look at the amount of skin that it's showing. This slit, you could see your whole leg. And what is this?" She points at the cut out triangles near the neck. "Do you want people to think you are a prostitued?"

I shake my head and look down at the floor.

She pulls out a light pink dress and tosses it on the bed.

"That one will do nicely" she says stiff and walks out.

She takes my dance dress whit her.

Great, now I'll never see that dress again.

I the dress I wore on my last date with Riff.

The dress I wore when he set up that stupid rumble.

I only wanted to dance. That's all I wanted to do that night.

I wanted to dance with the man I loved. The only man I had ever truly loved.

Sure, there was Tony, but honestly I never cared all that much for him. I wanted to rebel against my parents, so I thought that if I started hanging out with the jet's, that would satisfie me. But no, good ol' Grazi just wanted more, so I made my way to the top.

I always had eyes for Riff though, even when I was whit Tony.

And now I've asked Ice to marry me, huh, I guess I am sort of a homie hopper.

Jeez I have to puke.

Where do I go? My mother's in the bathroom.



"Sweaty are you okey?"

Damn it.

"I'm fine, mommy. I guess I'm just a little nervous to meet Charles again"

"Well you better get dressed quickly or we'll be late" she leaves my alone in my room again.

Whit a sigh I pick up the dress and get dressed.

*At dinner*

Mr Chamberlain and daddy have been talking about business for what feel like hours.

"You look very beautiful Grace" Charles smiles at me.

"I look like a ball of cotton candy" I answer harshly.

He looks taken back by this.

"Darling you've bearly touched your food. Is it because of the dress?"

I just shoot her a dirty look. I hadn't eaten anything, I had just moved the food around on my plate.

"What dress?" Daddy asks.

"It's none of your business" I just snap. Must be the hormones.

The Chamberlain's look shocked, but I really don't give a fuck.

"You better keep an eye on her Emily, you don't want her to end up like Velma" Mrs Chamberlain shakes her head in disappointment.

"Velma?" Mommy turns to face me. "You're Velma?"

Shit, Velma has never really cared that people found out she was whit the jet's. My parents didn't know much more about her than that she was from a rich family.

"What has she done?" Daddy looks suspicious, his eyes never leave mine.

"She hangs with the jet's. One of them is her boyfriend" Charles explains.

"Is that so" still not taking his eyes of me he daddy slowly raises up.

"I think we have to go" he said coldly.

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