I've missed you

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Grazi's pov
TW: swearing, mentioning of r@pe, vomit

"Ice!" I call to the dark haired boy smoking near doc's. He turn to us and give away a slight smirk.

"Ladies" he greets us. Then his eyes makes his way to Velma standing next to me.

"Mouthpiece has been looking for you," She just glares at him. He raises his hands in surrender, as I ask him, "Do you know where he is?" He throws the cigar away and shrugs.

"The jet's aren't really, any more, you could say. We're still friends all of us, but it's not the same, you know" Wow, those words hurt more than I ever thought they would.

"Well, you clearly don't got anything better to do, so you can help us find him," Ice looks confused at me, "Velma needs to have a talk whit him".

We're walking in silence, Ice a little in front of Velma and I. The silence was starting to get really awkward.

"Where are we going?" Before Ice can say anything Velma shoots in, "Home to Mouthpiece,"

Ice slows down as we approach a trailer. He then turns to Velma and gesture her to the door.

"We'll be over there," I assure her and take Ice's arm and lead him away.

Velma's pov (ohh a new pov)

I knock on the door, for God's sake. He's probably not even home. But just then a skinny blonde boy open the door.


He says, a huge smile makes its way to his face. Aww he's so cute. I can't help but smile a little.

But then I go back to being serious. This doesn't go unnoticed by my boyfriend.

"I've missed you" he says. I don't answer him, just walk past him making my way into the trailer. He closes the door and turn to face me.

We just stay like that for what seem like age's, it was to get really uncomfortable.

"Velma, please say some thing. Anything" he pleads. At this moment something in me just snapped.

"Well what the hell do you want me to say Mouthpiece?! Last time I saw you, you and your friend where about to fucking r@pe a girl!"

Damn that felt good to let out.

His face drops and he looks at the floor. "And I regret that every day." I'm trying to stay mad, but he is still my boyfriend, and I can't help feeling sorry for him right now.

I place a han under his chin and lifts it up to look me in the eyes.

"I know you weren't really in your right state of mind that night, but you where still in on it" my voice is shaking.

"You know I wouldn't do anything thing like that, not ever again, Velma" 

A tear starts working it's way out of my eye. "But you did!" And there goes the tear. He quickly wipes it away, and assures me "If I could go back in time and undo it, I would. I would undo everything that happened that day. Including not spending any time whit you".

I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest. "I've missed you to Mouthpiece".

Grazi's pov
The same time the events over take place

I'm standing whit Ice about 20 meters away from Velma and Mouthpiece. Out of all of the Jet's I haven't dated, I always found Ice to be the easiest to talk to.

"What have you been up to lately? I haven't seen you around in a hot minute"

I get the feeling that he already knows, but that doesn't stop me from answering, "You know, in my room," he gives me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

"What about you?"

He just shrugs looking into the distance, "Question my decisions".

I was about to laugh when I saw his expression. He was dead serious. Him and Riff had always been close, the jet's was looking at him as their leader, now that both Tony and Riff where gone.

"You don't want to lead the jet's?" Doesn't he know what power that would give him? Who wouldn't want that?

"It doesn't feel right. Two people started this gang, bout of em' got killed," clearly he isn't done speaking, but I had to shoot in, "The founders of America ate dead, people just take over and keep running it".

Ice closes his eyes as if I said something extremely stupid.

"Graziella, I thought you of all people would understand,"

"I understand losing someone you love, or what ever you felt for Riff is though, Ice, I really do. But we're talking about power, you could run this entire area"

"It won't be here much longer, so what's the point"

That's a valid point, but not good enough. Just as I'm about to tell him this, my entire breakfast comes pouring out.

Ohh cliffhanger, sort of, many my already understand what's going on.

Chapter is a bit longer than the two other, I'm going to try keeping it that way.  

I'm going to include more characters, but the main ones will be Grazi, Velma and Ice for now.

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