Two weeks?!

19 2 0

Grazi's pov

Ice is walking around the apartment doing... something, I really don't know what, all I know is that he looks adorable doing so.

I've been living with him for about a month now, and I think I'm in love with the boy.

He's so sweet and caring and kind and, he's talking to me....

"Huh?" I say breaking out of my trance.

"I said that you should take a trip out to the docks" He replies.

"....but why?"

He just shrugs, but I can clearly see he knows something.

"Iceeee!" I whine, wanting to know more.

Hu just shrugs again, and laugh at me.

"Fine, but just know I hate you" I say getting up to get my shoes.


"Now what?" I ask him, walking over to the docks.


The girls, and some of the boys that I'm closer to jump forward from their hiding spots.

"What is going on?" I ask as they approach me.

"We're throwing you a baby shower darling, that's what's going on" Velma says, draping a 'future mama' ribbon around my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, Velma!" I hadn't noticed her before, and throw myself around her neck.

"How did you get out?"

"I got thrown out by my parents" she answers, way to exited.


"All of us have gathered some of our old baby things, so that you have things for when the baby comes" Tessie says.

"At least if it's a girl, if not little Tony might want some new clothes" Balkan ads.

"Come, sit down, we've set up an area for us" Mamie says dragging me along.

I get a lot of clothes from all of the girls, then I got a stroller from Mack, a bed from Mamie, and baby bottles from Velma.

The guys didn't really have any hand me downs, but they had gotten together and gotten a teddy bear and some diapers.

I couldn't help but smile the entire time.

Just the thought that they had gotten together and done this for me was so sweet.

We spent the rest of the day just hanging out, and having fun.

"Can you believe it's only two weeks left?" Velma asks, she had been with me through out the entire journey, and I knew it was just as exciting for her as it was for me.

Wait...two weeks?


My entire life would be turned upside down in just TWO WEEKS?!?!

I think I'm going to faint.

"You okay Grazi?" Diesel asks, I must have shown that I'm not even near ready for this to all happen in just two weeks.

"Yeah....just....forgot that I was actually about to hit due date" I laugh nervously.

"Don't worry, it's gonna be fine" Mouthpiece comforts.

"Yeah, I mean you got us" Velma continues.

"Thanks you guys, I couldn't do this without you"

I turn and look at Velma and Ice.

"Especially not you two"

"I smell a group hug" Mamie says and reaches out her arms.

I laugh and join in on the hug.

Then in this lovely moment, happens the one thing I didn't expect would ruin the moment.

The sound of water dripping.

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