She truly deserved one

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Grazi's pov
TW: google translate


Hey! I know you might be surprised to see me, I would be. I'm a little surprised I'm here myself actually. Ehm, but I don't have anywhere to go, and I understand if you say no, but would you mind if I stay here a little while? Only an hour, maybe not even that"

Anita stands in the door stands there with a shocked mine on her face.

"Ehm, yes, of course, come in" she says.

I breath out in relief, and thank her.

"So, what brings you here?" Anita asks whilst I look around me in the little apartment.

"Oh, I was going to stay with my friend Ice, but his girlfriend showed up. And she's kinda mad at me I think, because she thinks me and him have a thing going"

"Ah" she says shortly, and pulls out one of the kitchen chairs. "Sit"

I listen to her, mostly because my bump is starting to get insanely heavy.

"Do you want some water or something?" She asks taking out a mug from the fridge.

I politely nod, and take the glass she hands me.

I will admit, this is hella awkward.

"So, how is the pregnant life going?"

Anita sits down on the chair next to me.


Well at least I'm honest with her.

She chuckles.

"So..." I really can't think of anything to say.

"Do you hope it's a boy or girl?"

Looks like pregnancy is a great conversation topic.

"Girl" I smile at her.

"Do you want to hear my name ideas?" I ask, sounding like and excited toddler.

"I would love to"

"Okay so, everyone says the names are bad but, if it's a girl, her name will be Odette. It's from swan lake"

Anita nods.

"And if it's a boy.."

Right as I'm about to tell, a girl walks into the room.

I recognize her, that's Bernardo's sister, the one Tony danced with at the gym.

She looks confused at me, and blinks a few times.

"María, tenemos un invitado, ven a saludar. (Maria, we have a guest, come and say hi)" Anita says to the girl, Maria.

Maria gives me a shy smile, and says hi.

She sits down with us, still looking a little confused.

"You where about to tell me your boy name" Anita reminds me.

"Oh yeah" I pause and look over at Maria. "If it's a boy. I'm naming him Tony"

Maria looks me dead in the eyes.

"You're having a baby" Maria asks.

I nod at her.

"And you're naming him after your boyfriend's best friend?" Anita asks, in the same tone Ice had done a while back.

"It's like and honor thing, it seemed cute when I decided on it. Riff wanted to name his son Tony, if he ever got one, you get the point"

And then silence.

"So how are you two doing?" I ask.

The two latinas look at each other, and then back at me.

"Well you know, it was quite a life changing night" Anita starts.

I nod.

"So we've been trying to adjust to our new reality" Anita continues in a sad tone.

"And now we're getting ready for the move" Maria ads on.


The Lincoln Center is getting torn to the ground, and people are ripped from their homes.

I almost forgot. The area Velma lives isn't affected by the whole thing.

Where will the guys go?

Where will I go? I can't live with Velma for the rest of my life.

"I wish there was something I could do for you" I tell them.

Both of them look taken back by this.

"If you want to do something for me, mi amiga, you just continue to grow" Anita starts of.

I will say I am a little confused.

"You continue to grow as a person, and take good care of yourself and your child"

I smile at her and nod.

"That goes for you to" she ads and looks over at Maria.

"Always, grow to be the best version of yourself"

"And you. Never stop being such a strong and amazing woman"

She smiles at me, then leans in and gives me a hug.

"Un día crecerás para brillar más que el sol, querida. (one day, you'll grow up to shine brighter than the sun, my dear)"

I have no idea what she said. But I'll carry that with me.

I left the apartment a little while later. I never came back there, nor did I ever see them again.

But I never forgot them. Especially not Anita, I spent so much time despising her, so once I realized what a great person she was, I regretted every bad though I'd ever offered her. 

That women stayed in my mind for the rest of my life.
-Her goodness
-Her strength
-Even her dancing

I don't know what happened to her, but I hope she had a great life, she truly deserved one.

All the Spanish is google translated

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