Get 'er inn

18 2 3

Grazi's pov

"Grazi, did you just pee yourself" Mouthpiece asks, with a hint of discuss in his voice.

"No you dead battery, her water broke" Dot informers him, and smacks at the back of his head.

"What does that mean?" Balkan asks.

"It means the baby is coming" Tessie explains.

There is a lot going on, but I can't prosess any of it.

I just stand there staring into space.

"What do we do now?" Mack asks.

"Doc's! Valentina will know what to do. Right?" Diesel suggests.

Everyone is running around like crazy trying to find out what to do.

I've been staring into the floor since my water broke, my breath was shaking.

This is by far one of the most terrifying moments in my life.


I snap out of it and look up.

Ice has his hands on my shoulders, just like the night of the party.

I find the comfort I can in his chocolatey brown eyes.

"It's gonna be fine. Don't worry" He tells me in a soft voice.

I nod slowly, still shaking.

Then I look up to see that Velma had taken control.

"Mouthpiece, you and Number run up to Doc's and tell Valentina we're coming. You know, Tessie, Dot, go with them Incase she needs any help"

The four of nod, and run of in the direction of doc's.

"Ice! Help her get to Doc's already!"

Ice salutes her, and picks me up from the ground.

I hear Velma continuing to shout commands as we make our way down the dark streets.

Ice keeps telling me how everything is going to be fine, and similar comforting things.

I don't hear all of it.

As I lay in his arms, I get the time to think about how lucky I am that he stuck around.

Then comes a shooting pain in my stomach, it's not like anything I've experienced before.

I let out a blood curtailing scream.

The shock is over, and now reality hits back.

And god damnit reality hurts like hell.

I scream and cry, just wanting it all to be over.

I have no idea where we are, nor how much longer it is till we make it to Doc's, but I don't think I can take any more.

"Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!!" I cry into Ice's shoulder.

"Ice!" A voice behind us yell.

He turns to the voice, I felt a rush of relief when I realized the voice belonged to Velma.

"We're never going to make it in time" He tells her.

"Don't worry Graziella, we're almost there" She says.

I know it's not true, but I want it to be true so badly, that I just decide to believe her.

"Think about how happy you'll be when the baby is here" Ice says trying to get me to focus on something else.

"Yes, think about holding it for the very first time"

It doesn't help as much as they want to, but I'm happy that in this moment it's the two of them that's with me.

And just to make matters worse, it starts raining.

Not just raining, but pouring.

"Everything 'ill be fine" Ice says for the god knows how many time.

I sharp light appears behind us, Ice and Velma turn to see what it is, and a police car pulls up beside us.

"What are yous three doin' out ere?" Krupke asks.

Velma walks over to the open window of his car.

"Please officer, you have to help us!"

He looks at her, then he looks over at me, crying in Ice's arms.

"What's the matter with 'er?" He asks, nodding at me.

"She's in labor, we have to get her to Doc's asap"

He nods, and gestures to the back seat.

"Get 'er inn"

Velma opens the door, and Ice sits me down.

"Go with her, I'll meet you there" Ice tells Velma.

She nods and sits down next to me.

I turn and watch as he stands in the rain, while we drive away.

Velma hugs me tightly, and places a soft kiss an my forehead.

One last peice of you (Graziella Wss)Where stories live. Discover now