How are you?

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Grazi's pov
TW: Talk about death and (some what) swearing

"Grazi!" Velma was throwing her arms around my neck.

I didn't even realize I was already at Lincoln square, well, the little that's left of it. That didn't stop me from embracing the hug.

"I've missed you, we haven't seen you since" the brunette I call my best friend stops and looks me in the eyes.

"How are you Graziella?"

Damn it, she can see right through me. I try to fake a smile.

Oh come on, Velma is willing to listen to you, you need to talk to someone.

And whit that I take her hand and lead her to a place more private.

We sit down on some empty boxes made of tree in an alley way.

For a while I'm just sitting there, breathing, in and out.

Velma just keeps looking at me the whole time. It's not like she's getting inpatient or anything, it's just comforting, knowing she's there.

A few minutes go by as I'm prosessing all my emotions the last month.

I look up and meet my best friends eye's.

"This month has been like hell".

She gives me a sad look, but it still says, you can tell me everything.

"I never truly knew how much he ment to me before he was gone. And it's a horrible feeling I tell you, I never felt like that with no one, not even Tony. And now he's gone. They both are". I can no longer hold back my tears.

"I know honey, I know. And so did he". Velma had moved the box next to me and had her arms around me.

"You two where perfect for each other. And it's totally ok to be sad, we all are. So we all understand that you have it the worst right now" she wipes away a few tears.

"I just. It feels like my brain still doesn't fully understand that he's dead. I know he is, but still it's like, every night I'm just waiting for him to knock on my bedroom window, but he never does, and he never will, cause he got stabbed".

There is a comfortable silence laying over us a few minutes, my head on her shoulder and her arms around me.

"How's Mouthpiece?"

I look up at her. She looks shocked by the question.

"Um, well, he's, he's....I don't know".  Well seems like it's her turn talk. I do a 'speak' gesture to her and she inhales.

"I haven't spoken to him since the dance".

My eyes where wide open staring at Velma. "Look, he was busy with the rumble the whole day, or hanging whit the guys and all of that. So I didn't really see him at all. And then when I did, well I had to comfort you."

Now I'm starting to understand.

"What they did, what HE did to that Puerto Rican girl. I want to see past it, and just be how we where, but what if I can't?" Velma seems real nervous.

I stand up and reach my hand out to her. Velma looks hesitant at first but takes it and stand's up whit me.

"Look what they did was down right disgusting. But we know those boys, and will admit that there are some of them I do not want to lose. So we'll talk to them, and you'll talk whit Mouthpiece". Quietly she nods, and takes my hand.

Listening to the moulin rouge musical cast recording, and I want to cry cause I love Aaron. Also I think Mike would be an amazing Christian. Ok, wrong musical but I had to get it out there.

Next chapter there will be a lot more characters. And I'll give you a heads up, I love Ice so he will be in this story, probably a lot.

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