The end

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I really hoped you liked this story, it was a lot of fun to write.

I'm really thankful for everyone who reed the story, and voted for it💜

And once again, I'm apologizing for all spelling errors, I speak three languages that I tend to mix, and I have dyslexia🤭

I am tempted to make a sequel to this story about how they're lives go from here, but we'll have to see, I have many other stories I'm working on....

That means two, but I hope you'll like them when I realise those to. One of them is a newsies crime story, I'm really excited about that one🤭

The other one is and Ice X OC story, because apparently it's impossible to find any Ice story's on this app, and like he's my favorite wss character🫶

Well that was all for this time folks, love ya, so take care of yourselves💜

One last peice of you (Graziella Wss)Where stories live. Discover now