Oh really? So we're quoting Riff now?

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Ice's pov
TW: swearing, mis gendering

Velma had dragged along to get groceries, or whatever she had planned.

Mouthpiece had somehow escaped by saying he had somewhere else to be.

To be honest I had no idea what I was even doing here.

"So..." Velma started and turned to look at me.

After a few moments of silence, I figured she wasn't going to continue.

"So...?" I asked.

"Karen" she said, witch caught me off guard.


"Karen." Velma was starting into my soul, and it was starting to get uncomfortable.

"What about her?" I asked looking back down at her.

"What about her?! What do you mean what about her?!"

"I mean, what do you mean... about her?"

Velma took my hand and dragged me into an alley way.

She sat down at an empty wooden box.

She pated to one next to her as a sign for me to sit.

"How much have you talked to her the last few months?" Velma asked, crossing her arms.

"Is that why you brought me out here?"

"How much?" She was shooting daggers at me whit her ice cold eyes.

"Did Karen set you up to this?"


"You know..."

"How much have you talked to Anybodys?" She asked and straightened her posture.


Really Velma? Anybodys, what the hell does he have to do with any of this?

"I've noticed you two have been hanging out quite a lot. But you never seem to take the time to be with your girlfriend anymore"

I couldn't do anything other than to stare at her.

"Ice why are you running from the past?"

"It was Grazi, she's the one who put you up to this"

I stand up and start walking away from her.

She runs up to me and continues.

"I get it, you don't want to lead the jets. I get that, Grazi may not, but I do. What I don't get is why you're just cutting all contact whit everyone you used to care about"

I stop and turn to look at her.

"I still care about the guys, I still care about Karen, and Grazi, and... what ever"


"I don't look back, I look ahead"

"Oh really? So we're quoting Riff now? Sure I'll go next, you've got brothers around, you're a family man"

She gets a smug look on her face when I've got nothing to say back.

I shake my head and smile at the girl.

"It's easier to talk to Anybodys, he really wasn't a part of my past"

"Okay, but don't forget that you have a girlfriend"

What. The. Fuck. Velma.

"You think I'm interested in Anybodys?!"

She shrugs. "Just sayin'" She puts her hands up in self defense.

"I'll talk to Karen okay?"

She takes my hands and start jumping up and down.

"A party. Let's have a party. A good old jet party!" She exclaimes, and with that she dragges me behind her back to her place.

This was so random, but I love Ice and Velma, and I have chosen that now they are friends.

But then again, this is my story so I can write whatever I want.

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