Mentally fucked in the head

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TW: Swearing, s1ut shaming


My eyes are starting to water up.

"You will never ever see that girl again" his face was bright red of anger.

"That unfair, she's my best friend"

"She's a demon child, hanging whit juveniles, probably sleeping around whit some new guy every night. She could be a terrible influence on you. No one that hangs around them are mentally okay" my mother states.

I feel anger starting to bubble up in me, no one talks about my platonic soulmate like that.

"Then I guess I'm mentally fucked in the head" I've raised my voice and slammed my hands in the table.

Daddy looks at me, glaring really.

"What did you just say?" His voice is so cold, scary almost.

I take a deep breath and say with as much confidence I can, "I, Grace Elliana Trikonis, have not only been hanging out with the jet's, oh no, I've dated, not only one, but both of the two guys who have been the leader's. And I started with Riff, the last one, before me and Tony where broken up. But then he went to jail. Oh and guess what I'm pregnant!"

Maybe I shouldn't say it all in one go. It looks like this was a bit to much to take in at once.

"You're PREGNANT!?" Daddy looks furious.

"The baby daddy is dead by the way, though you'de like to know" I sit down quietly.

Mommy layes her head in her hands.

"Dear God, You...." She stops to find the right words, "Where whit some one, before you got married?"

I nod slowly.

"And he's dead, so people will know our daughter is a slut" Mommy's starting to tear up.

"No," Daddy shake's his head, "Cause from now on, you're no longer our daughter" He walks out of the room, mommy right behind him.

So now I'm sitting here, all alone.

Bawling my eyes out.

Fuck, why couldn't I just have shut up?

What the hell am I supposed to do now?


I take a deep breath and knock.


Velma wraps her arms around me the second she opens the door.

I start to cry again.

My legs feel weak, it feels like Velma is the only thing holding me up.

"I told them everything" I cry into her shoulder. "They threw me out".

"Oh honey, you can stay here as long as you'd like"

Velma's parents where always around on some business trip or something, so she had the house to her self most of the time.

I know this chapter is really short, I'm sorry.

One last peice of you (Graziella Wss)Where stories live. Discover now