More than he ever knew

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Grazi's pov
TW: swearing

What the hell am I doing here?

I'm starting in front of the door that used to lead to my home.

Now it all seames more like a faint memory that ment nothing.

Why doesn't it mean any thing to me? I lived here my whole life damn it! All my earliest memories are from this house.

I lift my hand to knock but stop my self, and instead put my hand on the handle and walk right in.

I hear voices from the dining room and shift my direction towards them.

"Grace has moved out of town to live with her aunt for the moment, she wanted a change of scenery" I hear my mom say, and take the opportunity to do a dramatic entrance.

"So that's what I did?" I say entering, everyone was starting at me, turns out my parents where hosting a dinner party.

"I was wondering what you were going to tell everyone about my disappearance"

"Grace what the hell are you doing here?!" Daddy quickly gets up and hisses at me.

"I just thought you'd like to know that your grandchild is doing great and that you will never get the chance the meet them. But of course you're free to pay for child support if you'd like"

"You're pregnant?!" One of the guests ask.

"I am" I turn around side ways to give everyone a better view of my bump.

"I do really hope it's a little girl" I tell them carefully stroking my belly.

"What are you doing here?! What are you really doing here, Grace?" My father looks as if he was about to explode.

"I came to tell you that I don't care that you threw me out. I thought I did but I don't, you're not my family, not anymore. Family's stick together and support one another. Velma, Ice, the jets even, they are my family. So when you realize that you made a mistake and that you'll never get to have a bond with your grandchild, don't even bother trying to find me"

There's an awkward silence before my mom brakes into tears and run of, daddy follows right behind her.

"Excuse me, but can I ask how long you've been pregnant?" A lady asks.

"6 months"

"Who's the father?" Her husband asks.

"My ex-boyfriend, Riff" my voice gets shakey.

"Oh you poor thing" the woman walked up to me and took my hands.

"What happened between the two of you?"

"He" I pause and take a deep breath. "He died. In a rumble, it's sort of a big fight"

She gives me a sympathetic smile.

"How was he?"

A tear ran down my face. I hadn't really talked about him in over a half year. Not really REALLY talked.

"He was great. He acted so though in front of all his friends, like he didn't have a care in the world, and wasn't afraid of nothing. But with me he was really sweet, he still tried to act though, but I could see right through him. He was scared and damaged. He deserved a happy ending, but instead he was stabbed in a salt shed." Now I was full on sobbing.

The woman gav me a hug, and wiped away some of my tears.

"You really loved him didn't you?"

"More then he ever knew"

I wished we could have seen more of their relationship in the movie!!!

I kind of like this chapter actually, I don't know why, it was fun to write.

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