Please Go Along with Whatever I'm About to Say

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I was sitting at the bar after a horrible blind date and I just couldn't imagine my night getting any worse. I was just finishing up my drink and I was about to leave when a guy approached me and just passionately kissed me. He was cupping my face and I was torn about what was going on because even though it was creepy this guy could really kiss. Once we broke apart he was smiling at me and I just looked at him.

"Please go along with whatever I'm about to say?" The guy asked and I shrugged and he put his arm around my waist. "Told you she was here." The guy said to another guy and girl.

"So this is the girlfriend that we have heard so much about." The guys said extending his hand.

"Yep, that's me. The girlfriend." I said and shook his hand.

"I'm Chris's brother Scott and this is our sister Carly." Scott said introducing themselves. I then got a good look at the guy beside me and I was awestruck. It was Chris freaking Evans!

"Sorry guys this is..." Chris started to trail off and I interjected.

"Jade." I said and they smiled.

"Love your name." Carly said and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said.

"So can you guys go now. You see she is real and I found her." Chris said and I was hoping they would give up.

"Yeah okay fine. We will go. But mom will want to meet her soon. I mean you have been talking about her for a month Chris." Scott said and Chris nodded.

"Yeah I know. Jade and I will talk about it." Chris said and I nodded. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. His brother and sister hugged him and then shook my hand again.

"Lovely meeting you." Carly said and I smiled.

"You are beautiful, by the way. Chris, you did good." Scott said smiling and walking away. Chris turned to look at me once the coast was clear.

"I am so sorry." Chris said and I just shook my head.

"Is this normal for you, run up to random girls and just kiss them?" I asked and he laughed as I smiled.

"Not in the slightest. Honestly, I just needed my family off my back. I blurted out about a month ago I had a girlfriend and they had been hounding me to meet her. I was here at the bar and saw your date end abruptly..." Chris started off saying and I laughed.

"So you were watching me?" I asked in shock and he groaned dropping his head.

"Not on purpose. I just usually people watch at the bar and I could tell it was a blind date and wasn't going well. Want to know when I knew it was a complete failure?" Chris asked and I sighed with a smiled.

"Please...enlighten me." I said and he laughed as he took a seat on the barstool next to me. I leaned an elbow on the bar and placed my chin in my hand acting like a was intently listening.

"Well I guess it would have to be when he ordered a beer for you after you kept refusing saying you don't drink beer. If that isn't a good enough of example it then would have to be how he bragged about all the women he has had." Chris said and I sighed and laughed shaking my head.

"It was actually neither. Do you really want to know when it was?" I asked.

"Of course." Chris said.

"When he showed up 45 minutes late and forgot to take off his wedding band." I said and Chris sucked in air through his teeth.

"Damn, yeah that would seal it." Chris said and I nodded. I then looked at him and sighed.

"Okay, I can't do this anymore." I said and Chris looked at me oddly.

"Can't do what?" Chris said and I sighed.

"You're Chris Evans!" I said abruptly and he just gave a small laugh.

"Nice to meet you." He said extended his hand which I shook then smiled.

"Shaking your hand seemed weird after you attacked me with a kiss." I said and Chris groaned.

"Yeah again, I'm so sorry." Chris said and I shook my head.

"I wouldn't apologize. You really know how to kiss." I said and then gasped in shock and buried my face in my hands as Chris gave a shocked laugh.

"Oh god, I'm gonna go die now." I said and Chris shook his head.

"It's fine Jade. I mean this is our first date, its allowed to be a little embarrassing right?" Chris said and I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"First date huh?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I mean I did do things backwards and kissed you first. Least I can do is buy you a drink and talk for a while." Chris said.

"Fine Mr. Evans, one drink." I said and Chris smiled.

"Okay for starters, please just Chris." He said and I smiled at him and nodded.

"Okay sounds good." I said as the bartender walked over and took our drink orders.

"So what do you do for a living?" Chris asked me and I smiled rolling my eyes knowing these were standards first date questions.

"I'm a hotel concierge at Boston Park Plaza." I said and Chris smiled.

"Nice." Chris said and nodded.

"Pays the bills." I said then I smiled.

"What do you do for a living?" I asked sarcastically and he laughed.

"Well I'm trying to make it as an actor." Chris said.

"Been in anything I may have seen?" I asked.

"I was in a few films. Played a very small role by the name of Captain America...." Chris said sarcastically being funny and I half nodded.

"You know sounds familiar but I think I know you more as Jake Wyler from a movie called Not Another Teen Movie..." I trailed off and Chris dropped his head laughing and it was taking everything I had not to laugh.

"Yes, yes I was in that too." Chris said.

"Banana and all? That was all you?" I asked and Chris groaned with a laugh.

"All me." Chris said and we laughed.

"So can I asked the real reason you lied to your family about having a girlfriend?" I asked.

"It was like I said they were getting on me. My brother is in a serious relationship, my one sister is married with 3 kids and my other sister is a newlywed. They all were trying to set me up so I said I was with someone." Chris said and I nodded.

"Chris, let me just as you a question I guess we should maybe cover." I said and he nodded. "So you approach me, kiss me and then ask me to lie to your family. Is going to be a one-time thing?" I asked.

"One time thing of kissing a stranger and asking them to lie or...?" Chris trailed off.

"One time thing for us? I mean you don't need me to be your girlfriend or anything do you?" I asked and Chris just looked at the bar.

"I would be lying if I said I could let this go after tonight but you heard my brother, my mom is expecting to meet a girlfriend." Chris said.

"Can't you just say you broke up?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"I can't, she will try and set me up again." Chris said. We both just sat there and Chris finally sighed.

"Jade..." Chris trailed off and I just looked at him knowing where this was going.

"Jade I really need your help with my family please? Will you please pretend to be my girlfriend?" Chris asked and I sat in shock.

"Chris, I can't answer that for you right now. One night of drinks isn't going to give you the answer you want." I said and Chris sighed.

"Right, I know that but what if it wasn't just drinks. What if we get out of here?" Chris said and I looked at him shocked.

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