To Be Continued...

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"You must think you are that smooth Chris. I'm not going home with you or sleeping with you." I said and he groaned dropping his head and shaking it.

"Please understand me Jade that's not what I meant." Chris said and I looked at him as his blue eyes connected with mine.

"Then what exactly do you mean?" I asked and Chris sighed and tossed some money on the bar to cover both drinks.

"Do you trust me?" Chris asked extending his hand.

"What is this like an Aladdin moment where he asked Jasmin to get on the flying carpet?" I asked and Chris laughed as did I.

"Well I don't have a flying carpet but do you trust me?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"I may regret this but...yes." I said with a giggle taking Chris's hand and we walked out of the bar. He linked my arm with him as we walked outside.

"Alright Christopher so what is your plan?" I asked and he sighed.

"Well before we make anything official or serious we should get to know each other and not in an overcrowded bar. I want to get to know you out in the open." Chris said and I motioned around us with his free hand.

"So you want to just walk around and talk?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Chris asked. I shook my head and smiled at my arm linked in his but he was still holding my hand as well and how it felt so right.

"No, I like it." I said and Chris smiled. We started walking down the street.

"Any destinations in mind?" I asked and Chris shook his head.

"Wherever the night takes us." Chris said and we laughed.

"Chris I honestly don't know what I could ask you that I couldn't find out on the internet. I mean I won't lie, I may have looked you up a couple of times and may follow you on Instagram and twitter." I said and Chris laughed.

"So you're a fan..." Chris said and I smiled.

"I think that was pretty obvious by mentioning Not Another Teen Movie earlier." I said and he nodded with a smile.

"So what movies have you seen?" Chris asked and I groaned.

"You really want to know?" I asked and Chris nodded with a smile. "Okay... All the Captain America's and Avengers movies, Not Another Teen Movie, Gifted, Before We Go, Knives Out, Snowpiercer, Cellular, Both Fantastic 4's, What's Your Number, London, Red Sea Diving Resort, The Losers and Puncture." I rambled off and then closed my eyes not wanting to know the look I was receiving from him. I opened one eye and looked at him and he was trying not to laugh. "I wouldn't blame you if you ran right now." I said and he shook his head.

"No, it's fine Jade. You just know good movies." Chris said and I laughed.

"Well...not all of them were good..." I trailed off and he looked offended but had a smirk on his face.

"Okay what was the worst or one of the worst?" Chris asked and I thought of all the ones I just listed.

"Okay well there are 2 for some completely different reasons." I said and Chris laughed. He then acted like he was pumping himself up by rolling his shoulders and neck and I laughed.

"Come on, tell me. I can take it." Chris said and I sighed.

"Okay well first would have to be London..." I said and he laughed.

"Why?" Chris asked and I just shrugged.

"I can't pinpoint one thing. Just the whole basis of the movie and well...personally...I don't like Jessica Biel." I said and Chris chuckled again. "I know you were dating her during that movie and you should never speak ill of someone's ex's but really Chris? Her?" I asked, he laughed with a shrug.

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