You're All I Want

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We reached the premiere, Chris got out of the car and I then he helped me out and camera's flashes were brighter and faster then usual and we knew why. As we walked and stopped to pose for pictures. We heard our names yelled for everyone to get our attention.

"I can't even see anymore." I whispered to Chris and he gave a small laugh.

"Can you see to kiss me?" Chris asked and I shook my head at his cheesiness.

"I don't know, let's see." I said, he leaned down and kissed me and everyone went crazier. After we broke apart Megan moved us along. Chris stopped to do some interviews and I walked back and stood in the background with Megan.

"You okay?" Megan asked and I nodded.

"Just bright flashes and a lot of flashes. I heard them yelling questions about how could I trust him anymore. It's a lot." I said and Megan sighed.

"I know but you two are okay right?" Megan asked and I nodded with a sigh.

"We are getting there. I mean we wont be perfect for a while, we have things to work on but we are getting there. I was really against coming her thinking it wouldn't change anything but now seeing how crazy the press is I'm glad I did." I said and Megan smiled at me. We went back to listen to the interviewer with Chris.

"So we see Jade is with you tonight, are you two in a real relationship now?" I looked at Megan who groaned and she touched Chris's arm so he would ignore the question and move on but he shook his head.

"Jade and I were always together. I spoke out of my ass the other night trying to be funny. Jade is an amazing woman and I'm so happy she is here with me tonight and forgives me for being an idiot." Chris said and I smiled at him. He reached for my hand as we continued on doing interviews and a lot had questions about the fake relationship. I knew Megan was getting pissed but Chris kept his answers the same the entire time. Once we were done with interviews it was time for cast pictures. Chris and I stood off to the side as they waited for Ana. Once she came walking down she saw me.

"Damn girl! Look at you!" She said and I laughed as we hugged.

"Me?! Look at you!" I said and she smiled while hugging Chris.

"Thank you for joining him. He has such a mopey baby without you." Ana said and I laughed.

"He really was." We heard another voice say and I turned to see Ryan Gosling standing there. I hadn't gotten a chance to meet him at the last premiere.

"Hey man." Chris said and they shook hands and then he hugged Ana.

"This must be Jade." Ryan said and I nodded as we hugged.

"It's so great to meet you." I said trying to not freak out. Chris could tell.

"Ryan you are about to steal my girl." Chris said and we all laughed. Megan tapped my arm and I knew that meant to go off to the side. Before I could go off to the side Chris pulled me flush against him and leaned in his lips brushing mine.

"Do you want Gosling over me?" Chris asked and I laughed. I subtly bit his lower lip.

"Never..." I said once I let him go.

"You are dangerous, I love that about you." Chris said and I smiled. I walked off to the side and Chris started doing cast photos. I noticed Ana and Chris talking.

*****CHRIS POV*****

"So you got her to come..." Ana trailed off and I sighed.

"Megan got her to come, I had no clue." I answered.

"Chris, she is still hurting. You need to do something to make this up her." Ana said.

"But what? I'm running out of idea of how to make this up to her. I mean I played for piano and sang for her. What else?" I asked and Ana sighed.

"Plan a romantic dinner out somewhere while here in Berlin. How about after press day tomorrow. See if Megan can find you a good place. You need to win her back." Ryan spoke up, Ana nodded and I smiled.

"Thanks guys." I said. I took a quick glance over at Jade standing with Megan and they were talking. I saw Jade laugh and it made my heart flutter. This woman meant everything to me and everything was right. I had to prove to her she meant everything to me and I didn't mean to hurt her. She saw me looking at her and she winked at me. I had my sunglasses on so I don't know how she saw me looking at her but she just knew. I heard photographers and interviewers yelling questions to her and she was getting nervous. She whispered something to Megan and then I watched her disappear.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I was standing on the side while the do group photos with the cast and I wink at Chris. I knew he had his sunglasses on and I couldn't see him but I also knew he was checking on me because he heard what I was hearing from photographers and interviewers yelling questions to me.

"Are you and Chris here as a couple?"

"Are you a real or fake couple?"

"Are you with him because of who he is?"

"Are you a fame seeker?"

"Are you forcing him to be with you?"

It was a lot of deal with and my anxiety was starting to take effect and I was getting nervous.

"Megan, I have to get out of here. I will stay for the premiere but without Chris I need to get off the carpet." I said and she nodded.

"If you go back this way, it's the entrance to the theater not on the carpet. Take your pass and just go wait at the bar." She said and I nodded taking my pass from her and I walked away. I rushed inside and to the bar.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked.

"Whiskey sour please." I said and he nodded. I just waited for Chris and Megan to walk in. After 15 minutes I felt a hand on my lower back and I turned to see Chris come walking up and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Jade." Chris said and I shook my head and just held him. I pulled back a little, he leaned in and kissed me.

"It's okay, we knew it would be bad right?" I asked and Chris sighed and placed his forehead on mine.

"You're all I want Jade." Chris whispered and I smiled.

"You're all I want too." I said and he gave me a small kiss.

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