One of the Best Fake Girlfriends

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I was sitting there looking at this man who I had no clue would show up at my job in front of everyone.

"Chris..." I said shocked as Diane still stood there with her mouth hanging open. "Diane..." I said and she closed her mouth. "Chris is this my friend Diane, Diane this is Chris." I said and he shook her hand.

"How did you get Chris Evans?!" Diane blurted out and I huffed a laugh.

"Right because a troll like me could never date Chris Evans." I said and she groaned.

"You know I didn't mean it that way." Diane said and I looked at her.

"Can we talk later?" I asked Diane and she nodded.

"I'll see you later. Nice meeting you." Diane said to me and then to Chris. He gave a small nod and then she walked away. Chris looked at me and leaned on the counter.

"So you will meet with my brother for coffee but hide from me?" Chris said and I groaned.

"I wasn't really hiding Chris." I said and he sighed.

"You ran from me then hid from me Jade." Chris said and I groaned.

"Chris, I can't do this here, not now." I said.

"Then when can you?" Chris asked annoyed. I sighed. I looked at the clock.

"I get off at 7." I said and he sighed with a nod.

"Can I pick you up after work and we go to dinner?" Chris asked.

"You said no dates Chris." I said and he sighed.

"I also didn't think sex was an option but we crossed that line." Chris said. I sighed and nodded.

"Okay well I drove my car here but I will meet you in the lobby around 7 and we can have dinner here if you want?" I asked and he nodded.

"Sounds great. Are you actually going to show up though?" Chris asked with a smirk and I smiled.

"Yes smartass, I will be there." I said and he smiled. He leaned over the counter and kissed my cheek.

"See you at 7." Chris said and I nodded.


After my shift was over I went into the locker room employees had and did a little more make up and changed into normal clothes and not work clothes. I was in black jeans and a tight violet color t-shirt. Once I walked into the lobby Chris saw me and smiled.

"Hey, sorry, I wanted to change." I said and he smiled.

"You look great." Chris said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and we headed towards the bar and grill restaurant the hotel had inside. Once we got a table and ordered drinks Chris reached for my hand across the table and I put my hand in his.

"I'm sorry I ran." I said after a minute silence.

"Why did you? I mean I wanted to talk to you about what happened and what it could mean." Chris said and I sighed.

"That the thing Chris, we said this was fake, no strings or anything. Sleeping together makes it all too real...right?" I asked and he sighed but nodded.

"No I get that and I never wanted to put you in that situation. I always told you if this seems to be too much for you, just tell me. Is it too much?" Chris asked and I sighed and hung my head.

"I think so Chris. Listen, you are a great guy and I have really enjoyed getting to know you and your family and I hope we could even stay friends after this but the line between fake dating and real dating has become blurred. We both said we didn't want a relationship out of this, just to get some people off our backs." I said and Chris nodded.

"Jade, I never thought it would be like this." Chris said and I nodded.

"Chris, I just need to know if you want this to be real. If you do we can work at it. If not I think we just call this whole thing off." I said and Chris groaned.

"I don't know how you want me to answer that Jade." Chris said and I just looked at him confused.

"It's a simple yes or no Chris." I said trying not to get upset.

"It's really not." I said and he groaned.

"Even if I were to say yes and we make this actually official then you will be followed and watched Jade and I don't want that for you." Chris said.

"Can't that happen even fake dating Chris? I mean if we are seen together now people will think we are's going to happen Chris, it's not like we wont be seen." I said and he sighed.

"Jade, I want to keep you out of this long as I can. Can you please just believe me that this is easier for fake dating?" Chris asked and I groaned.

"Whatever you want Chris." I said and he sighed.


After we were done eating Chris walked me out to my car and I smiled at him.

"So you leave in 4 days..." I said and Chris nodded.

"I do..." Chris said and I looked at the ground.

"So are we still going to stick with the plan that we break up when you get back?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, distance in this instance did not make the heart grow fonder." Chris said and I gave a small laugh.

"I guess so..." I said and Chris placed a hand on my cheek.

"You have been one of the best fake girlfriends Jade." Chris said and I smiled.

"Have a lot of fake girlfriends?" I asked and Chris chuckled.

"You were the only one." Chris said and I smiled. His eyes traveled from mine down to my lips and back up.

"Jade, can I kiss you? One last time?" Chris asked and I knew it was dangerous, wrong, shouldn't happen but I didn't care. I gave a small nod. Chris leaned and passionately kissed me gently pushing me against my car door placing his hands on my hips and mine went around his neck as his tongue asked for entrance to my mouth and I let him. We stood making out for a few minutes and then broke apart.

"I'll text you soon okay? We will finish figuring everything out." Chris said and I nodded. I opened my car door and looked back at Chris.

"This was fun Evans." I said and he smiled, leaning in gibing me another small kiss and I got in my car driving away as tears filled my eyes.

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