Cross My Heart & Hope to Die

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The next morning I woke up and saw neither Chris nor myself fully crossed the barrier we made of pillows. His arm was over the pillows and was grazing my hand that was resting on the pillows. I got up and got dressed quickly leaving Chris asleep. Once I got out of bed Dodger took my spot on the bed and I smiled.

"Sorry buddy, I would have taken the couch." I said in a whisper and pet his head. I then headed out of the room and downstairs to see Lisa and Scott awake making breakfast.

"Good morning." I said and they smiled.

"Good morning." Scott said and kissed my cheek and I smiled. I walked over to Lisa and she hugged me.

"Happy Birthday." She whispered as we hugged and I groaned.

"Chris told you?" I asked and she nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Lisa asked as we broke apart and she handed me a cup of coffee.

"I don't know, I guess I just wanted Chris to have his day and not worry about me." I said and she sighed.

"Well too bad, tonight we celebrate both of you." Lisa said and Scott looked at me.

"Wait...when is your birthday?" Scott asked and I sighed.

"Today." I said and he choked on the sip of coffee he took.

"You and Chris share a birthday?!" Scott asked and I nodded.

"Yeah and can you believe they didn't even know...." Lisa said and I groaned.

"You have been seeing him for about 2 months and you never discussed birthdays?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"I guess we never thought about it. New relationship and all." I said and they both looked at me and then shook their heads. Lisa walked away and Scott got close to me.

"So my brother never sleeps in this keep him up all night?" Scott asked and waggled his eyebrows at me and I just smiled.

"Why would you want to know if your brother got any?" I asked and Scott laughed.

"Yeah why would you, it's gross." Chris said walking into the kitchen and I smiled at him. He walked up to me and gave me a small kiss on the lips, we really had to play this off. "Good morning." Chris said once we broke apart and I smiled at him.

"Good morning birthday boy." I said and he grinned but looked at me.

"Ahhh yes same to you birthday girl." Chris said and I shook my head.

"So you told your mom and now your brother knows. Chris walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against him and I eyed him suspiciously but placed mine around his neck.

"It's your day too, you deserve to be celebrated." Chris said and I sighed with a small smile. Chris leaned in to my ear.

"Sorry we have eyes watching us, I have to sell it." Chris said and I just gave a small nod.

"I figure." I whispered back and he smiled and gave a small kiss to my neck.

"So did Dodger kick you out of bed or did you give him your spot?" Chris asked and I laughed.

"I got out of bed and he took the opportunity." I said and Chris smiled.

"I figured he would." Chris said and I nodded. I heard the oven timer go off.

"Lisa, do you want me to get that?" I asked.

"Aww yes please sweetie." She said and I smiled. I went to get it from the oven.

"I got it. Go sit." Chris said and kissed my cheek and I went to the table. As I sat down his oldest nephew Ethan sat next to me on one side.

"Hey, no hitting on my girl." Chris said approached the table with the breakfast casserole placing it in the center of the table. Ethan laughed and I smiled at him.

"Everyone dig in." Lisa said and we all started dishing at food as Chris sat next to me. Once we finished breakfast Chris looked at me as we headed to the bedroom.

"We are going out on the boat, you want to go with us?" Chris asked.

"Um...I think I'll stay on the beach." I said and Chris looked at me seeing a slight panic.

"Hey, you okay?" Chris asked.

"As a kid I was on a boat with my grandfather and I fell overboard. He didn't notice right away. I had a life vest on and he turned the boat around right away once someone got his attention and told him but I just haven't been on a boat since." I said and Chris sighed as we reached the room. Once the door was shut Chris took ahold of my hands and felt me slightly shaking.

"If I can promise you not to leave your side on the boat and hold on to you, will you join us?" Chris asked and I sighed. Something about him holding my hands calmed me.

"Promise not to leave me?" I asked and he smiled.

"Cross my heart and hope to die." Chris said hold up his right hand. I laughed and nodded. We separated and started getting ready. I put on the hot pink floral bikini I brought. I put the cover up over and I headed downstairs once I got my flip flops on and Chris was already out of the room. Once I got downstairs and he smiled and taking my hand.

"Let's go." Chris said and I gave a weak smile. He kissed my cheek.

"I got you." Chris said and I smiled as we left the house and walked down to the boat.

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