Date Night

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I was stuck in the hotel the whole next day while Chris did press. I was going to leave and go sightseeing in Berlin but the paps were bad and I didn't feel safe leaving the hotel. I was taking a nap in Chris's bed when I felt the bed dip beside me.

"Ana, does Chris know you're in here?" I asked and I heard him groaned and I laughed rolling over to face him.

"Oh my girlfriend couldn't make it...I guess I can deal with you." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and he smiled as I pulled him on top of me as I passionately kissed him, he moaned in the kiss as I started to take off my top and he stopped me.

"No wait..." Chris said and I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"You don't want this right now?" I asked and Chris groaned burying his face in my neck.

"You don't know how bad a do but I need you to go get ready for tonight and meet me in the living room in an hour." Chris said and I looked at him oddly.

"Oh really? And if I don't...?" I questioned.

"Then you will leave me waiting and sad." Chris said and I laughed. He kissed the tip of my nose as he was still hovering over me. "Are you going to make me sad Jade?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"We can't have the big movie star sad can we?" I asked and he shook his head and we both gave a small laugh. Chris got off of me and I got out of the bed and he smacked my ass and I squealed.

"You have a smart mouth." Chris said and I smiled.

"You just had a chance to fix it but the mood has past." I said from the bedroom door. I blew him a kiss and he groaned flopping down on the bed as I giggled and walked to the spare room. I found a dress laying on my bed and I smiled. I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower. Once I got out I got my hair ready and did my make up. I looked at the dress and sighed as I put it on and smiled at myself in the mirror. I sleep on the simple black heels I had to wear with the dress and made sure I looked okay in the mirror before I left the room. I walked out to the living room and found Chris standing there in a white top with black suit jacket and slacks. He looked at me and smiled.

 He looked at me and smiled

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"You look gorgeous." Chris said and I smiled.

"Where are we going all dressed up? Another premiere?" I asked with a slight panic in my voice and he shook his head.

"Nope. We are going to dinner." Chris said and I groaned.

"Chris, the paparazzi." I said and he shook his head.

"I got you covered Jay, you trust me?" Chris asked and I nodded. We walked out of the room and headed down the hall to another door that said staff only.

"Chris...?" I asked and he ignored me as he walked through the door and there was another elevator. He punched in the code you needed and then the doors opened. He hit the top button and there was short ride and then the doors opened. He walked out in front of me and opened the main door. Once we walked out the door I saw we were on the roof of the hotel. I smiled up at Chris as he took my hand.

"You bring me up here to push me off?" I asked and Chris laughed and shook his head. He pointed off to the side and I saw a small table set for 2 people, candles and rose petals scattered.

"Now it was my turn to make you speechless." Chris whispered in my ear and I nodded. He took my hand and we walked over to the table. He pulled my chair out for me and then he sat down.

"So you planned this so we didn't have to go out and be seen?" I asked and Chris sighed and reached for my hand across the table and I placed mine in his.

"Jay, I did this to show you I wanted to spend time with you. This is not about a photo op of us being together, about all the questions, this is about us. I wanted something for you and me only. I wanted to show you I was an idiot and I need to make it right. You made the grand gesture and came here to Berlin, I needed to make one to show you I'm serious about wanting this." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"Chris...I honestly don't know what to say about everything. I mean I know I said I didn't want to focus on it anymore or keep bringing it up but what am I supposed to do? I want you, that much is clear but I don't know if I trust you." I said and he sighed.

"I will do whatever you need me to do to earn your trust Jade." Chris said and I sighed.

"When this started off the way it did, feelings were never supposed to go involved. They did though and there was no going back from there and we both know that." I said and Chris nodded.

"Jade, I love you." Chris said and I sighed and smiled.

"I love you, that not a secret but do we love each other enough to make it through this. The first time we hit a bump I panicked. Chris, I'm not used to this." I said and he sighed and nodded.

"I know and I want to try and keep you out of it as much as I can. I mean I want you to go to premieres or things with me but I also want to be Chris and Jade from walking around Boston all night. Those kids were crazy." Chris said and I laughed.

"Crazy doesn't even begin to describe it. I think you were desperate, I mean you kissed a girl you didn't even know." I said and Chris smiled

"Yeah but it turned out to be the best decision of my life. I wish I could change one thing from that night though." Chris said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I should have asked you out, like I wanted to." Chris said and I looked at him in shock.

"Then why the fake dating charade?" I asked.

"Come one Jade, if me, Chris Evans, had asked you after you just listed your favorite movies like you did and spending the whole night together. If I had asked you would you have accepted?" Chris asked and I sighed and then smiled at him.

"I would have. I embarrassed myself enough, what else could I possibly do." I said and Chris laughed. He sighed and I smiled noticing his thumb rubbing over my knuckles.

"Can we start over? Maybe just start dating for real, make this work?" Chris asked.

"I thought we already were." I said and Chris huffed a laugh. He leaned over the table and gave me a passionate kiss.

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