New Job

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I was sitting on Chris's couch with my legs in his lap and he rubbed his hand up and down them while watching a baseball game and I looked for a job.

"I'm over this shit." I said slamming my phone down on the couch beside me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chris asked.

"I have bills Chris! I have to pay them somehow. Any job I have interviewed for this week that seems promising just asked me about you. Or I get an e-mail stating that there is too much press around us and they don't think I would be a good fit." I said and Chris sighed.

"Hey, I told you I would help you with bills if you needed me too." Chris said and I shook my head.

"No Chris we are just dating, I cant take money from you." I said and he sighed.

"Jade, you are in this position because I was an idiot. Let me help you." Chris said and I groaned.

"No Chris, I just need a job that doesn't care that I'm with you." I said and we both gave a small laugh.

"Hey, come here." Chris said and opened his arms for me and I smiled. I removed my legs from his lap and moved to cuddled into his side and he just held me. "Jade, you have to learn how to accept help when it is being offered to you. I want to help you. I don't care if you never want to work again, I got you." Chris said and I shook my head.

"Chris, I have to work, it's just who I am. I will accept help for maybe a month or so but I have to find something." I said and Chris nodded.

"I will help you however long you need, I'll try and help you find a job too. I mean my mom might need help at the children theater." Chris said and I looked at him confused.

"Chris, I have a hospitality background, not theater." I said and he smiled.

"They have receptionist and office staff Jade. I'll talk to Ma." Chris said and I smiled up at him.

"Thank you." I said and he leaned down and kissed me. I adjusted on the couch and got on my knees beside him, I was more even with his lips and felt his hands travel to my hips as he lifted me to straddle him. I smiled in our kiss since our lips never broke apart. He ran his tongue along the seam of my lips and I let him in as I interlaced my fingers on the back of his neck and his hands rested low on my back almost touching my butt. I started grinding back and forth on him and he moaned.

"Jade, I can't...Megan is on her way over." Chris said and I groaned. Chris and I hadn't had sex since London and I was getting annoyed. Berlin was a tense time and then he kept traveling and I was home. We kept making out though I just stopped moving on him. His lips trailed from my lips to my jawline and found residence on my neck below my ear was and I moaned as the gate buzzed.

"Worst timing." I said and crawled off Chris's lap and he gave me a small kiss.

"Oh don't worry, we're picking this back up later." Chris said going to let Megan in. I just shrugged.

"Maybe..." I said and he looked at me in shock. I smiled and winked at him. A few minutes later Megan came walking in and I smiled at her.

"Hey, do you need me to leave?" I asked and Megan shook her head.

"No we are just going over travel for him over the next few months." Megan said and I nodded. Megan started pulling everything out of her briefcase and groaned looking at some emails.

"Problem?" Chris asked.

"Yeah huge...your hotel suite got canceled because they said it was double booked." Megan groaned and I sighed.

"Can I see the email?" I asked and she looked at me oddly.

"I can help or try to." I said and she looked at me and handed me the phone. I dialed the number on my cellphone from the e-mail.

"Thank you for calling Crown Plaza, Times Square. How may I direct you call?" They asked.

"Yes, I would like to speak to someone about an issue with booking please." I said. Chris and Megan were just looking at me.

"Jade?!" Megan said and I held up a finger telling her give me a minute.

"One moment please." The lady said and I waited. "This is the booking department, how can I help you?" The guy said who answered the phone.

"Yes, hello My name is Jade Nelson and I work for Mr. Evans team and I got an email this morning stating his suite had been canceled for his stay in 2 weeks. It says there was a double-booking issue but this is not on us. This should be on your hotel but I do not see any suggestions or offers for other room and accommodations. This needs to be rectified." I said.

"Yes Ms. Nelson, we understand that but...-" He started to say.

"No, no buts. You over book, you have to fix it." I said and I heard the guy groan but start typing.

"We can't offer you the suite you were looking for but it looks like we have deluxe king size room available." He said and I looked at Megan.

"A deluxe king suite is what they are offering." I said and she sighed.

"I need a room." Megan said and I nodded.

"I also need another room." I said and he typed.

"Okay you have 2 deluxe king suites under the name on the original reservation for the dates you need." He said and I got reading the e-mail.

"We also still need the car service pick up at the airport that your hotel provides, that doesn't change." I said.

"Yes, of course." He said.

"Great thank you very much and have a great day." I said and hung up. Megan and Chris just looked at me in shock.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't know you were such a boss." Chris said and I shrugged with a smile.

"It's part of my old job putting out fires and getting what I needed for people." I said.

"Old job?" Megan asked and I sighed.

"I got let go when I got back from Berlin. They didn't like all the extra publicity I was bringing since it was for me and not the hotel." I said and Megan nodded.

"You have a new job yet?" Megan asked and I shook my head.

"Can't find any place willing to hire me." I said.

"Well I want to hire you." Megan said.

"What?!" Chris and I asked together.

"Yeah! You know what you are doing making travel and hotel arrangements and obviously putting out fires. Come work with me be my assistant." Megan said and I looked at Chris and smiled.

"Would you be okay me working with Megan?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"And working close to me." Chris said giving me a small kiss. "Would she get to travel with us?" Chris asked Megan and she smiled.

"I think we could make it happen." Megan said and I smiled at Chris and then at Megan. "What do you say?" Megan asked.

"I accept!" I said excited.

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