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Chris and I got of the plane in LA and had Scott with us. Chris took my hand as we rushed through the swarms of paparazzi and headed to the waiting SUV. All the while questions were being thrown at Chris but he just kept walking with his head down like I did. I knew Scott was right behind me so I felt safe and caged between these two men. Once we got to the SUV Megan got in the front seat, Scott went to the back row and then Chris and I got in.

"Okay well...that was terrifying." I said as the car drove away and I took the baseball cap off my head Chris insists I wear.

"We need to have a meeting once we get to the hotel..." Megan said looked at Chris and I. We nodded but she kept it minimal since she knew Scott didn't know anything. I looked at Chris and sighed.

"Will it be like that at the hotel?" I asked and he sighed but nodded.

"Yeah, it will be so hat on." Chris said and I groaned and went to look out the window. He leaned over to me.

"I know I should warned you and I'm sorry." Chris said and I nodded. "Megan, can you schedule a message for Jade at the hotel. Have someone come to the room?" Chris asked and she nodded.

"Not, it's okay. I will just take a relaxing bath or something. Sorry, this is just too new." I said and Chris nodded. I moved back towards him and put my head on his shoulder. He sighed and placed his head on top of mine. This was comforting to me. Once we got to the hotel I took a deep breath seeing everyone, I put the hat back on. Scott and Megan got out and then Chris and I. He made sure to wait for me and then took my hand.

"Go to the elevators, I have room keys already." Megan said and we all nodded and walked in. Chris pulled me inside and I was getting used to the feeling. Once we got to the elevators we headed in and Megan handed everyone room keys. I noticed she gave Chris on and then Scott one. I knew this meant I would be sharing a room with Chris and I sighed. We got Scott to his room and then we went up another floor to the Chris's room and we walked in.

"Okay we need to discuss what is going to happen. What did you two decide?" Megan asked and we just looked at each other.

"Well all we got covered was I was going to come to LA and once he comes back from overseas we are going to call it quits." I said and Chris nodded.

"You guys think that is smart?" Megan asked and we just looked at her.

"Megan, this was never meant to get this far." Chris said.

"You kissed her in a parking lot Chris, what did you think was going to happen?!" Megan said. She then looked at us and gave a small smile. "Can I just say though that you guys are adorable to each other." Megan said and I we smiled but I blushed and looked away.

"Thanks Megan. What do we do at the premiere tomorrow?" Chris asked.

"Well you will be asked a lot about the movie but she is bound to get brought up. Honestly you could wing it or just say that it's new and you aren't saying much." Megan said and Chris nodded.

"I think that sounds good." I said.

"Yeah but how much PDA do we have to show?" I asked.

"Holding hands, arms around each other...maybe a kiss or two? I mean we all know you guys are going it." Megan said, I nodded and looked at Chris.

"We can play this off right? I mean we did it our birthday trip." I said and Chris nodded.

"You going to run away this time?" Chris asked with a smiled and shook my head with a smile. We sat in the room and went over the next day schedule with Megan and then she looked at me.

"We have a couple dresses for you to choose from. Chris is going to be a in a simple black suit jacket and pants with a white tank underneath. You can basically wear whatever color you want." Megan said and I nodded.

"But you look great in baby blue." Chris said and I looked at him.

"What? How do you know?" I asked and he blushed.

"You were wearing that baby blue top the night I met you." Chris said and I smiled at him and nodded.

"Well I will make sure there are some baby blue options then." Megan said.


Later that night Scott had gone out with some friends in LA so Chris and I were in his hotel room alone. We had ordered pizza and beer through room service and were sitting watching a movie on the bed. Chris sighed during the movie and then paused it.

"Okay, we need to talk." Chris said and I nodded.

"Okay so you ran...I know you were scared and I know you said things got to feel real. You need to tell me now Jade, do you want this to be real? I would be willing to try real with you." Chris said and I groaned.

"I don't know what I want Chris. How about we do fake now and when you get back from overseas, we really talk about it and decide what we both want. I think right now you ask asking on impulse." I said and Chris sighed but nodded.

"Impulse huh?" Chris asked and I looked at him confused.

'What are you doing?" I asked smiling, Chris smiled as he leaned in and kissed me. This wasn't a simple kiss either. He placed a hand on my cheek and his tongue pleased for entrance into my mouth and I let him. Once we broke apart we just looked at each other.

"After I get back?" Chris asked.

"After you get back." I said and he nodded as we got comfortable back in the bed and finished the movie.

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