Dinner With Lisa

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About a week later Chris was picking me up and we were heading to dinner at his moms. She made sure to plan this dinner with him and I before Chris was even back stateside. Chris and I knew this conversation was with the family was going to have to happen sooner or later but we were silent on the way to his moms both terrified. Chris was holding my hand as he drove and sighed when we pulled in her driveway.

"Is it too late to make a run for the border?" Chris asked and I laughed.

"She isn't going to kill us...is she?" I asked and Chris sighed with a shrug.

"Depends on how she took the news I dropped. Did Scott give you any idea?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, just said she wanted to meet for dinner, just the 3 of us." I said and Chris sighed.

"We go in as united front though right? On the same page?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"We are really together Chris, I want to be with you and pray to god you want to be with me." I said. He leaned in and gave a small kiss.

"Of course I do." Chris said and I smiled at him. We got out of the car, Chris took my hand and we walked to the front door. Chris knocked but then opened the door.

"Ma?!" Chris called out as we took off our shoes.

"Kitchen." Lisa answered and we walked to the kitchen and smiled when we walked in to greet her.

"Hey Ma." Chris said and she looked at him and walked over to him. I thought she was going to hug him but she hit him upside the head. The looked at me and hit my arm.

"You both are insane!" She said and we knew it was starting.

"Mom, can we at least get dinner on the table before you start committing child abuse?" Chris asked and Lisa groaned as Chris saw the Lasagna dish sitting on the counter. I grabbed the bowl of garlic bread and bottle of wine while Chris grabbed potholders and carried the dish to the small kitchen table where we were eating. We all sat down, got ready to eat and Lisa sighed.

"I just want to know why?" Lisa asked and Chris sighed.

"You guys honestly." Chris said outright and looked at him in shock.

"Chris!" I said and he shook his head.

"What does you lying have to do with us?" Lisa asked.

"Mom, Carly is married with kids, Shanna just got married, Scott has Steve and is happy. If you guys tried setting me up one more time I was going to scream." Chris said and I sighed and placed my hand on his thigh under the table to keep him calm.

"So how did this really happen? How did you really meet? Dating service?" Lisa asked.

"Hey woah no!" I said and she looked at me and I sighed. "How we told you the first time, that wasn't a lie. We met at the bar, he saw a blind date I had go wrong. Now how Chris approached me was a little different but nonetheless we met." I said and Chris smiled at me.

"And when did you figure it would be smart to fake date instead of just be couple?" Lisa asked.

"We walked out in Boston all night and just talked getting to know each other. I thought I was destined to be alone forever, you know Bachelor for life I just wanted someone to come around for family functions." Chris said.

"And you went along with this because...?" Lisa asked me and I sighed.

"I was also tired of friends being on my case about being alone and blind dates going nowhere. I figured even fake dating would get me back out there." I said.

"What did you two really see the outcome being?" Lisa asked.

"We were supposed to be together and then break up when he went overseas." I said and Lisa sighed.

"So what happened?" Lisa asked. I looked at Chris and he smiled and I gave a small one.

"The birthday get away and then we got real feelings." Chris said and I smiled.

"When I ran from the cabin and my excuse was it got to real that was because it was getting too real and I got scared. It was supposed to be fake, it was supposed to be to keep everyone at bay but that didn't happen." I explained.

"So when I got back to her and talked it out we decided to try it out even when I went overseas and I was the idiot the fucked it all up." Chris said and Lisa nodded with a scoff.

"You can say that again." Lisa said.

"I never wanted to hurt her. I was drunk and an idiot." Chris said and I could help but nod with Lisa.

"So you just forgave him?" Lisa asked and I sighed.

"We talked it out, that's why I was in Berlin with him." I said and she shook her head.

"That maybe what you thought and Chris sorry to say this but you know the truth why she is was Berlin..." Lisa said and Chris sighed and shook his head.

"She took the incitive and came to Berlin herself." Chris said.

"But she came because she felt like she had to save face and save your ass. You swear you have feelings for someone and want to be with someone you don't fuck up Christopher." Lisa said and Chris just hung his head.

"And you shouldn't have to feel like you have to save him all the time. He is an adult, he fucked up, he can deal with the fall out on his own." Lisa said and me and I just half nodded. She then sighed and looked back at us.

"I know I fucked up, I will spend the rest of this relationship making it up to everyone, mostly Jade." Chris said and grabbed my hand that was on his thigh.

"I don't care what you both do in your lives except for one thing. No more fake dating. Either make it real with each other or end this now." Lisa said pointing between the two of us, looking at both of us with a look only a mother can give.

"Mom, I promise to you right now this between Jade and I is real. We discussed it on a date night in Berlin. We want this, we want to make this work. We are together for real." Chris said and I nodded in agreement. She looked at both of us and nodded.

"Don't make me want to beat the hell out of you two. You better fight for this." Lisa said and I nodded.

"Trust me we will." I said and smiled at her.

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