Conversation With Scott

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I left Berlin a couple days after our date when Chris left. He had one more stop to make in the press tour but I went back to Boston. I was sitting in my living room going through my mail for the past couple days when there was a knock on my door. I got up and opened it to see Scott.

"Hey, come on in." I said and Scott followed me in and laughed at the pile of mail.

"Having fun?" Scott asked and I laughed.

"I would be if it wasn't mostly bills..." I said and sighed sitting on the couch and Scott sensed a problem.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"I lost my job yesterday." I said and Scott looked shocked.

"What?!" Scott asked in shock.

"Yeah I called to let them know things died down and I was back home and they informed me that while I was gone they filled my position and they didn't want the media circus." I said and Scott groaned.

"Did you tell Chris?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"It's not his problem Scott. He is just my boyfriend, I will just find another job." I said and Scott sighed.

"Can I ask a question?" Scott asked.

"As long as it changed the job subject, sure." I said.

"When we were at the cabin you and Chris were faking right?" Scott asked and I groaned.

"Yes." I said and Scott huffed a laugh. "What?" I asked.

"I just don't know why you both felt the need to lie." Scott said.

"You guys were forcing Chris into dates because you were all happy. He just needed an out." I said and Scott sighed.

"I guess we did push him a little too hard." Scott said and I nodded.

"But why did you mention the cabin?" I asked.

"Because I have something to show you..." Scott said pulling out his phone and played a video. It was Chris playing guitar and singing to me for my birthday. I smiled at the video and the memory.

"Yeah so he sang to me and played guitar..." I trailed off when the video was over. Scott huffed a laugh.

"Chris was hooked on you and in love with you then." Scott said.

"How do you know?" I asked and Scott sighed.

"Jade...Chris barely plays and sings for the family, Christmas and the occasional happy birthday song. He sang to you as your gift and played guitar. He was in love with you then Jade. Were you in love with him?" Scott asked and I sighed and placed my hand in my hands.

"Why do you think I ran?" I asked.

"It's all gotten to real! It makes sense now!" Scott said. We both gave a small laugh.

"Chris and I were good with keeping everything separate then we had the day on the lake and everything else and we ended up sleeping together. That wasn't supposed to happen and feelings weren't supposed to get involved." I said and Scott sighed.

"Now that feelings are involved. Are you and Chris together?" Scott asked and I nodded.

"Yeah of course. Why do you think I went to Berlin?" I asked and Scott huffed a laugh. "Why the sudden interest Scott?" I asked.

"Well because the family is worried about you and Chris. Believe it or not everyone loves you too and doesn't want to see you get hurt by my idiotic brother." Sam said and I laughed.

"Poor Chris." I said and he shook his head.

"Yeah no, not poor Chris. He is an amazing guy and brother but he can make some idiotic mistakes and him calling out the fake relationship was part of that. I know you went to Berlin to save face but how do you really feel?" Scott asked. I sighed and looked at Scott.

"Like a fool." I said as tears threatened my eyes.

"Please explain." Scott said.

"I love your brother I know I do. I just fell too hard and then had to go to Berlin to make him look better but he never had any concern of what it did to me in my life. He never even asked. I know Megan was keeping him in the loop but he could have asked." I said and Scott groaned.

"Chris sometimes forgets that he isn't the only one affected by things that happen. I know he cares for you and will do anything to keep you safe like all of us will." Scott said and I smiled at him as he pulled me into a hug.

"How did the rest of the family take the fake dating news?" I asked and Scott sighed.

"Ma wasn't happy. She felt slightly betrayed." Scott said as I sighed.

"Well she can talk to Chris about it." I said and Scot laugh.

"She plans on it. She is planning a dinner when he gets back into town." Scott said.

"A family dinner?" I asked and Scott shook his head.

"Nope only the 3 of you." Scott said as I looked concerned.

"Great..." I said with a groan.

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