Pro/Con List

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I was sitting at my desk off to the side of the front desk at the hotel when my cellphone went off on my desk with a text message.

CHRIS: Dinner is this Saturday at my moms house. I will send you the address. I just asked a dinner, no one knows why. Again don't feel obligated.

JADE: Are you sure you don't want to know? I mean me showing up or not can play hell on a person anxiety.

CHRIS: Trust me I know but no I don't want answer unless you show up at the door.

JADE: Okay well just send me yours moms address and a time.

I got the info from him and then no more contact. I sat there thinking about all the ways this could go wrong and right so I started making a pro/con list.

"Oh no Danny, she is making a pro/con list. Something is bothering her." I heard a voice say walking up to my desk and I looked at see twin siblings Danny and Diane who worked as maid and doorman at the hotel and we all hired in at the same time.

"Shut up Diane." I said and she laughed.

"What's eating at you?" Danny asked.

"I met a guy at the bar after my blind date ended abruptly. Now he just came up and kissed me and asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend to get his family off his back. Well now there is a family dinner that he knows his family will blab about the "girlfriend" at. He gave me a choice to show up or not but he doesn't want to know until that night if I show up or not." I said and they both looked at me in shock.

"What?! That's insane." Danny said. "I mean he could be like some crazy stalker trying to get you to his lair."

"Danny calm down..." Diane said.

"Danny no evil genius would have me meet his siblings." I said and he sighed.

"Fine, when you get kidnapped don't call me for help." Danny said and walked away and Diane and I laughed.

"So in a seriousness are you going to go?" Diane asked and I shrugged.

"Reason for the list." I said and she sighed.

"Well what's dress code?" She asked and I grabbed my phone.

JADE: Hey if I come to dinner, what is dress code?

CHRIS: 🤣 you think my mother has a dress code for dinner? Honestly jeans and a nice shirt would be fine.

JADE: Hey I didn't know if she was like queen of England or something! Very acceptable question. 🤣

CHRIS: Right the queen spending her downtime in a town outside Boston.

JADE: Very possible 😉

I looked up at Diane. "Casual. Jeans and a nice shirt." I said and she smiled.

"Black skinny jeans, red boots and the red lace up shirt." Diane said and I looked at her oddly.

"Do you have my closet memorized?" I asked and she laughed and then looked at the time

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"Do you have my closet memorized?" I asked and she laughed and then looked at the time.

"I have to go clock in. Go back to your list." She said and I sighed looking at the list and there were so many pros like helping someone out, Chris was cute, funny, easy to talk to blah blah blah. There was only one con. I could get hurt in the end if I got too attached and this went too far. I knew it was a big decision to make and I didn't know how I was supposed to make it in just a few days.


It was the night of the dinner and I had just taken a shower after laying the outfit Diane picked out. I had also put the pro/con list on the outfit and I just stared at it. I grabbed my phone.

JADE: Haven't heard from you lately. Dinner still on? If I come...

CHRIS: Dinner is still on, I'm actually here helping my mom cook now.

JADE: Look at you Chef Evans.

CHRIS: Not in the slightest, I'm peeling potatoes and then making the salad.

JADE: She didn't plan a big meal thinking you were having a guest did she?

CHRIS: No this is a normal Lisa Evans dinner. 4 children, 3 spouses and 3 grandchildren. A lot of mouths to feed.

JADE: And she hasn't pulled her hair out yet?!

CHRIS: No, she just threatens us with our lives. 🤣

JADE: I'm sure you all deserve it.

CHRIS: Ouch! You wound me Jade.

JADE: You'll live Evans.

I didn't get a message for a few minutes and then one finally came through.

CHRIS: I'm not trying to force you or sway you decision in any way because I know you have probably thought about this all week but I really so hope you come tonight. I know I said it didn't matter either way but it was nice talk to you this whole week and even if you just want to show up as a friend and we tell everyone the truth I'm okay with that too. I just hope to see you Jade but if not I also understand, this is a crazy idea. I don't want a response to this text just dinner starts at 7. Arrive anytime before that, everyone usually shows up an hour early. Talk soon.

I just looked at his message and sighed as I sat at my vanity. I planned to get all ready to go and then make the decision as I walked out the door. Either to dinner with Chris and his family or to the bar to get a drink. Once my hair and make-up were done I got dressed and headed out to the car and just drove. Once I arrived I sighed and got out of the car.

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