First Date Re-Do

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Chris and I were finally fully done traveling and doing interviews for The Gray Man and everything else going on. I was ready to be home and just enjoy my house for a while. Chris and I were laying on my bed making out since that was as far as we made it when he pulled away from me.

"Excuse me sir, I wasn't done with your lips yet." I said and he laughed and sighed.

"And I don't want to be done with yours either but if you don't get up soon and get ready we are going to be late for date night." Chris said and I groaned.

"Date night?! Chris we just got home. How can you want to do date night already?" I asked and he hoovered back over me.

"Because I want to take out my girlfriend." Chris said and sighed.

"You took me out 2 nights ago in LA." I said and he shrugged.

"And now I'm taking you out in Boston. Can you stop being stubborn, get up and get dressed." Chris said and I sighed.

"Fine." I said and Chris smiled giving me one small kiss then giving me room to get up. "Anything special you want me to wear tonight?" I asked and Chris smiled going to my closet and pulled out a bag.

"It's all in here. Don't worry I didn't pick it out, Carly and Shanna did." Chris said and I laughed. I took the bag and went onto the bathroom to get ready for the night I did my hair and left it down and waved it and then did some make-up. I pulled the clothes from the bag and smiled at the cute bus casual black dress with jean jacket look. I walked out of the bathroom and Chris was standing there in a blue sweater and blue jeans. I smiled as him as I sat down to put on my shoes.

 I smiled as him as I sat down to put on my shoes

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"You look amazing Jay." Chris said coming over and giving me a small kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"We could always stay here..." I said and started to pull him down on the bed. He groaned and pushed back.

"Can you let me have tonight? After tonight and for the rest of the weekend we can stay in your bed or my bed or wherever we end up." Chris said and I smiled keeping his lips close to mine.

"Promise?" I asked and he smiled nipping at my bottom lip.

"You bet." Chris said and I smiled. He took my hand and help me get up and we got in his car and Chris started driving.

"Where are we even going?" I asked with a smile and Chris shook his head.

"It's a surprise." Chris said taking my hand and kissing my knuckles and I shook my head with a smile. Once we parked, I started laughing.

"The bar we met at. You gonna kiss a girl you don't know tonight?" I asked and he shook his head. He got out of the car and opened my car door helping me out.

"Only you." Chris said and we headed inside hand in hand. We headed to the bar and ordered our drinks and I smiled.

"I think these are the same exact seats." I said and Chris smiled and nodded.

"I think so." Chris said, once we finished our drinks, I noticed him get up and walk away. I wasn't sure where he was going until he rushed back up to me through the crowd. He cupped my face when he reached me and passionately kissed me. I laughed when we broke apart.

"Walking down memory lane?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"And we are just getting started. Do you trust me?" Chris asked and I shook my head at how much he was remembering from that night.

"What is this like an Aladdin moment where he asked Jasmin to get on the flying carpet?" I asked him repeating the words I used that night.

"Well, I don't have a flying carpet, but do you trust me?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"I may regret this but...yes." I said and we laughed as he hooked my arm in his and we left the bar. We started walking down the street and I smiled knowing what he was doing.

"Chris, are we having a do over first date?" I asked and he nodded.

"We had a great night that night, but I was to make it even better so let's just walk and talk again." Chris said and I smiled as he leaned down and kissed me as we walked. We walked for a couple of hours even stopping at the coffee shop from the night getting a cup of coffee. We made it to the pier and I smiled.

"This has been an amazing night Chris, just like the first night." I said and Chris sighed.

"I could have changed something that night..." Chris trailed off.

"Chris, that night was a lot for both of us. We were convincing ourselves to be single and not being open to anything or anyone." I said and he sighed.

"Yeah, I guess so." Chris said and I nodded.

"If you had to do it all over again would you?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"Like all of it the fake dating and everything?" I asked and Chris shook his head.

"No take fake dating out of the equation and just make it being with me. Would you have been with me that night?" Chris asked and I smiled at him as we stopped walking.

"I would have, I wanted to that night. When I was asking out getting a real girlfriend, I was just hoping you would ask me. I liked you Chris and not as Chris Evans the actor I liked you for you." I said and he leaned down and kissed me.

"I love you Jade." Chris said and I smiled.

"I love you too." I said.

"Be mine Jade." Chris said.

"I'm already yours." I said and he shook his head and got down on one knee. "Chris?!" I asked in shock.

"Jade, tonight was a redo of the first night together that I know I screwed up. When we went walking that night, I was so attracted to you, you were all I thought about after that night. When I asked you to fake a relationship, I had no clue feelings would get involved so hard and fast. I fell hard for you Jade and now when I think if the future all I see is you. I brought you on this date tonight because even though this is where the fake relationship to begin it's where I was our future to begin. Will you please marry me?" Chris asked and opened the ring box, and I was awestruck by the ring.

 Will you please marry me?" Chris asked and opened the ring box, and I was awestruck by the ring

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"There was never a doubt I would always be yours Chris. Yes!" I exclaimed and he stood up, passionately kissed me and then put the ring on my finger. I smiled at him.

"What do you say we get home?" Chris asked and I nodded as we hailed a cab to take us back to the bar to get the car.

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