The Premiere

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The next night we had gotten ready to go to the premiere and I was sitting in the back of the SUV with Chris and Scott

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The next night we had gotten ready to go to the premiere and I was sitting in the back of the SUV with Chris and Scott. Ironically I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be and I super excited, mostly for Chris because I knew how hard he had been working on the movie, he had been telling me about it all night last night.

"Okay so whenever I need you out of the way Jade I will come and get you." Megan said and I nodded as she handed me my red carpet pass. I put it on and Chris smiled at me. I could tell he was started to get nervous since we were approaching.

"Hey." I said at him and he looked back at me. I gently gripped him by the back of his neck and pulled him down to a small kiss and he smiled.

"What was that for?" Chris said.

"Your nerves." I said and Chris gave me another small kiss.

"What was that for?" I asked and he smiled wickedly.

"Because I wanted to." Chris said and we both laughed as we the car stopped.

"Okay everyone out!" Megan said and we all laughed. Scott got out and then he helped me out for Chris could get out last. Once Chris was out he took my hand and I smiled at him. We started walking on the carpet and Chris looked at me and smiled as we stopped and posed for pictures. I felt his fingers trailing shapes on the exposed skin on my back and I smiled up him, he leaned down to my ear.

"I knew baby blue would be your color." Chris whispered. I smiled up at him and he leaned closer to my lips.

"Give the people what they want." I whispered and he gave a waggle of his eyebrows and smiled as his lips connected to mine and we heard the photographers start yelling more and the flashes got more intense. Once we broke apart I looked and Megan was motioning for me since they wanted just Chris and he barely let go of me and I smiled. I was standing with Scott when he looked down at me.

"You love him." Scott said and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What?!" I asked and Scott laughed and shook his head.

"I can tell when you were just looking at him! You love him." Scott said and he nudged him.

'I don't love him Scott. We have barely been together." I said and Scott shook his head.

"Nope, it's love. I see it when he looks at you too." Scott said and I rolled my eyes and I noticed Chris was done with pictures and I went back to join Chris is walking down the red carpet. At one point he stopped to do interviews and he insisted I stand with him. I felt him with his hand behind my back playing with the tie string on the back of my dress and he was seeing how cool I could remain knowing I was on camera. Once we walked away I look at him.

"You sir are dangerous." I said and he laughed as we continued walking. Soon Megan ushered Scott and I inside and to our seats since Chris had to take cast photos and then had to do his Q&A before the movie started.

"Are you excited?" Scott asked and we sat down.

"I am. Your brother explained the movie to me last night without giving too much away so I'm so excited." I said and Scott looked at me oddly. "What?" I asked.

"So let me get this straight. You and my brother were in a hotel room together all night and you only talked about the movie?" Scott asked and I shrugged.

"Why is it important to you what happens between Chris and I?" I asked. Scott sighed.

"Because him being with you is the happiest I have seen him in years. You get brought up even and he blushes or gets flustered." Scott said and I shook my head and looked down at my lap.

"No he doesn't." I said and Chris sighed.

"He does Jade, I wish you would see it." Scott said as the lights dimmed and the cast started walking out on stage once announced. Once the questions were done Chris came down to his seat next to me and smiled at him. He took my hand instantly and I felt him shaking.

"You okay?" I asked and Chris nodded. He leaned over to my ear.

"I want to skip the after party and get you back to the hotel." Chris said and I looked at him and all I could do was nod. His lips crashed to mine and I involuntarily moaned as I felt his tongue skim my lips. Once we broke apart I smiled at Chris since he was smiling me. We turned out attention back to the movie.


After the movie Megan informed Chris he would have to attend some form of the after party so we did that and then we rushed back to the hotel. Before we could even get in the door Chris had his lips crashed to mine in the hallway and I moaned and he kissed me pining me against the door.

"Chris...inside..." I said and he fumbled with the keycard and it wasn't working. I took it from him and opened the door calmly. Once we got inside I was back against the door and his lips with on my neck. I pushed his suit jacket off his shoulder and on to the floor, once that was done I started to unbuckle his pants as he untied the ties on my dress. He pushed the thin straps off my shoulders and it pooled on the floor. We made out all the way to the bed and he laid me down as he finished undressing and the hovered over me.

"I need you." Chris said and I smiled at him as I shimmied out of my panties.

"Then have me." I said and Chris growled as he passionately kissed me again. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he thrusted in me causing me to cry out his name. Chris grunted as he kept thrusting deeper and deeper as I dug nails into his back not even caring anymore and just looking for some form of leverage and release. I felt him start hitting a spot he did last time that no one had ever found inside of me before and it made me arch my back. Once I did he pulled me up into his lap and I smiled as our faces were only mere centimeters apart. I looked into his eyes wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I need to have you Jade, you in my life." Chrissaid in between thrust. I nodded as I closed my eyes and felt myself clenchingaround him. "Coat me Jade, I want to feel you all over me." Chris whispered inmy ear and he started nipping at my neck and I quickly released all over him,it felt like an explosion, I have never released like that before. Chris was quicklythrobbing and swelling inside of me and released soon as well. We laid down onthe bed and I cuddled into his side placing my head on his chest. I ran myfingertips up and down his chest as he carded his fingers through my hair. Wewere just silent I was thinking about what Scott had said earlier about how hesaw love when I looked at Chris and I had to wonder if that was true. I wasalso thinking about Chris saying he wanted me in his life. Could this reallywork? 

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