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It had been a couple days since I left the cabin. I knew everyone was back, I knew everyone was back because Chris kept trying to call me to meet up. I knew I told him to call me when he got back in town but I couldn't do this. We were supposed to be a fake relationship and sex made it too real. I was sitting at home one day when a text came through my phone and I groaned thinking it was Chris.

SCOTT: Hey, I thought you said when we got make into town you would talk to Chris?

I sighed and put my phone back on the coffee table. I didn't want to deal with this.

SCOTT: Don't ignore me Jade, I'm not my brother who gives up. I will just keep texting you.

I groaned knowing he wouldn't stop.

JADE: I have to work later today, you want to meet up for coffee? Just me and you?

SCOTT: sounds perfect. Where and when?

JADE: 1pm at coffee shop on Main. It's by my job.

SCOTT: Sounds good. See you then.

JADE: Just you Scott, please.

I never got an answer back and I figured I would show up early and if Scott showed up with Chris I could leave.


I was sitting with my cup of coffee when I saw Scott come walking in and I gave a small smile. He ordered a drink and then came to join me.

"So you ran...." Scott started off when he sat down.

"I ran." I said and he sighed.

"Why?" Scott asked.

"Because I got scared..." I said.

"Of what?! Did Chris do something?" Scott asked and I shook my head looking down at my coffee cup.

"No, your brother was amazing, you all were. I can't really explain it but I got scared." I said.

"You said it got too real in the text that morning. What did that mean?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"What did Chris say?" I asked and Scott groaned.

"He just said that you two had an argument and he didn't think you would leave. I mean he just wanted to talk about where the relationship was going." Scott said and I sighed thankful he gave the explanation.

"I know it was stupid to leave. I thought Chris and I were just having fun and he was wanting to talk about what we were and where we were. I mean he leaves in a week to be gone for a month almost and he wants to talk about the future." I said and Scott sighed.

"Listen, its really a curse how much of a planner Chris is. He likes to know how things are going to go where they can lead. Now I don't know what you were planning for you future with our without him but I know he is going crazy without being able to talk to you. I mean if don't want to be with him anymore that's fine, but you at least owe him a goodbye, don't you think?" Scott said and I sighed knowing he was right.

"Listen, I will talk to him okay. I just have to get the courage up to do so." I said and Scott nodded.

"He leaves in 4 days, can you get your courage up by then? He doesn't want to go out of town without knowing. He won't be good to anyone." Scott said and I sighed and then half nodded.

"I will see what I can Scott, I'm not making any promises." I said and Scott nodded. I looked at the time. "Hey, I have to get work." I said standing up as did Scott and he hugged me.

"Talk to him please..." Scott said as we hugged and I nodded.

"I will see what I can do." I said and headed out of the coffee shop.


I was sitting at my desk at work on the phone getting someone some theater tickets when Diane came walking up to me and smiled. I hung up the phone finishing up the call.

"Hey, so how was the cabin?" She asked and I just looked at her. I knew I hadn't seen her since I had been back, but I didn't know what to tell her.

"Well, it was good. He got me on a boat and to go tubing." I said and Diane looked shocked with a smile.

"That's amazing, so when are you seeing mystery man again?" Diane asked and I hung my head. "What did you do?!" She asked annoyed.

"I may have overreacted to something that happened and ran away." I said and she groaned.

"You always do this! You panic. Things seems to be going good or you feel like you get attached to fast and you run. I mean come on, what could have possibly happened?" Diane asked and I groaned.

"Okay well for starters we share a birthday, same day and everything." I said and she smiled.

"That's sweet though, very kismet." Diane said and I shrugged

"But after dinner and a bonfire with the family we went to bed and well..." I trailed off and Diane was looking at me confused.

"I guess I don't get it...." Diane said and I sighed.

"I just didn't think we were there." I said and she sighed.

"Did he force himself on you?"

"God no! I told him to keep going." I said and Diane sighed.

"You got scared." Diane said and I shrugged.

"I just don't know. I mean he goes out of town for 3 weeks in a few days and I just don't know if it's worth getting roped into this whole thing with him." I said and she sighed.

"Who is this guy that has you questioning everything?" Diane said and I shook my head.

"That's not important." I said and she sighed.

"Seriously, I want a name." She said and I groaned.

"Diane, stop." I said she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Where is Danny?" I asked changing the subject and she pointed to the front door.

"Already working. While you were gone, they fired like 2 doormen." She said and I nodded.

"Really? Damn..." I said and she nodded. I watched Danny come walking in the door and he was with someone and then he pointed to me at my counter.

"Fuck...." I whispered. "Don't freak out Diana but the guy is about to show up." I said and she got excited and looked and her mouth fell open.

"Jade..." Chris said and I sighed.

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