Girls Night

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I had been back in Boston for a week and been talking to Chris constantly. I didn't want to tell him that I had been being following by paps since we had been home but I was in constant contact with Megan about it and she was working on it. I was sitting at my desk at work on hold trying to get guest theater tickets when my cellphone went off with a text from Chris.

CHRIS: What are you doing?

This was a common text when he was bored.

JADE: Working...on hold with the theater.

CHRIS: I would much rather be doing that than this press tour right now. I'm so tired, Ana and I both.

JADE: Poor baby, you wanted to be an actor. Also, tell Ana I said hi.

Ana and I had met at the premiere and really hit it off.

CHRIS: I will not tell her hi because you are being mean to me.

JADE: Aww are you sad now?

CHRIS: Yes, come to England and make it up to me.

JADE: Sure, let me just get on a plane and be right there.

CHRIS: Please don't tease. Also, Ana says hi and she is wondering if you can come save her from me.

JADE: Tell her I'm on my way.

CHRIS: So you will save Ana and not me?

JADE: 🤷‍♀️


JADE: 😘😘😘

CHRIS: Hey, why didn't you tell me you were being followed? I didn't want to have to find out from Megan.

JADE: Because I didn't want to worry you so I thought I would just go through Megan.

CHRIS: Are they following you home? I mean if you aren't safe I either want you at my house or with my mom.

JADE: No, they haven't. I'm fine Chris. Just hurry up with your stupid premieres. 🤣

CHRIS: I'll see what I can do. When do you get off tonight?

JADE: 5. You will be in the movie by the time I get off. So we can talk tomorrow.

CHRIS: I hate not being able to see you.

I took a selfie of myself while still on hold and sent it to Chris.

CHRIS: Thank you 😉😉

CHRIS: I have to go back to interviews. Talk later

I put my phone back off to the side and sighed. I missed Chris so much. Agreeing to be a couple before he left wasn't smart, I didn't like the way this felt. The rest of my day flew by, as I was leaving work my cellphone went off with a call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Jade, it's Lisa." She said and I smiled.

"Hi Lisa." I said getting in my car.

"Listen, I wasn't sure what your plans were tonight but me, Carly and Shanna were wondering if you would want to come over and join us for a girls night and watch Gray Man with us. We know you have seen it but it just premiered on Netflix today and we are dying to see it." Lisa said and I smiled.

"I would love to. I have to go home and change, should I bring anything?" I asked.

"Just you. We have everything here." Lisa said and I smiled

"Perfect. See you soon." I said and got in my car to head home to change.


As I pulled in the driveway at Lisa's house I got a facetime call from Chris.

"Hey! Shouldn't you be at your premiere?" I asked and he smiled.

"I should be but I'm in the lobby to call my favorite person." Chris said and I sighed.

"Well too bad you called because I'm getting ready to go in somewhere and hang out with some people." I said and Chris looked at me concerned.

"You didn't say anything about plans earlier today." Chris said and I sighed.

"I didn't have plans earlier." I said getting out of the car and I saw Lisa open the door.

"So where is this night out going to be at?" Chris asked and I smiled seeing Lisa. Once I reached her I put us both on the screen.

"Chris!" Lisa said excited.

"You are hanging with my Ma?" Chris asked in shock.

"And your sisters. Nervous Evans?" I asked and he laughed.

"Very, be nice ladies!" Chris said and Lisa laughed almost evilly. I walked into the house and showed Chris to his sisters. "Be nice you two." Chris said and we all laughed.

"We are going to watch the gray man and gossip all about you. It's a total girls night." Shanna said and I smiled.

"I'm excited to get all the embarrassing stories." I said and Chris groaned.

"Nothing too embarrassing, I want a girlfriend when I come home." Chris said. We all laughed and I walked into the kitchen for a private moment.

"Hey, you okay with me coming? Your mom invited me and I just accepted..." I trailed off and Chris smiled with a nod.

"I'm more than okay with this Jay, I love that you felt comfortable to go hang with my mom and sisters. Please hang out, watch the movie and have a good night. Text me when you get home." Chris said and I nodded.

"Will do." I said and I blew him a kiss and he blew on back. We hung up and I walked back into the living room and the girls were all smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You two are so cute." Carly said and I smiled at the girls as I felt my cheeks blush.

"I think so too." I said and I looked at Lisa's mantel and there was a picture of Chris and I we took before we left for the premiere.

"You printed it and framed it already?" I asked in shock and she smiled at me.

"I did. Perfect picture." Lisa said and I smiled as we all got comfortable positions in the living room and Shanna started the movie. This felt right, this felt like a perfect family I could belong to. I felt like nothing could go wrong to make me second guess this life.

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