Not Enough Apparently...

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A few weeks later we arrived at the cabin before everyone else. Chris and I planned it out this way so we can pick out 2 separate rooms. Once we started going through the cabin we counted rooms.

"Okay so Carly, Ryan and the kids can have the big bedroom that had the bunk beds with it." Chris said and I nodded.

"Scott and Steve can have the basement room for privacy, he asked for it." I said and Chris laughed and nodded.

"Mom can have the main floor bedroom." Chris said. I then got thinking.

"Chris that only leave 2 rooms left. One for Shanna and Graham and then..." I trailed off and Chris sighed.

"So, we don't have enough rooms..." Chris said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm not a big deal, I can sleep on the couch." I said and Chris groaned.

"Jade..." Chris said and I shook my head.

"No, really it's okay. I can sleep on the couch and it will be fine. We just tell the family we aren't sharing a bed yet." I said and Chris groaned.

"You take the room, I'll sleep on the couch." Chris said and I shook my head.

"No Chris, stop. It's your birthday trip, you take the bed." I said and he groaned.

"I'm not arguing with you Jade and if I have to carry you up the room and throw you on the bed I will." Chris said and before I could respond we heard someone speak up.

"Wow! Easy you two more people are in the house. Leave the sex games for later." Scott said and I rolled my eyes as he hugged me and hugged Chris.

"Just working out bedrooms for everyone. You guys get the basement room like requested." I said and Scott smiled as he looked at Chris and I.

"Are you two sharing a room?" Scott asked as Chris put his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah of course." Chris said Scott smiled.

"Nice to see you guys getting serious." Scott said as him and Steve went to drop the bags off in their room.

"Smooth Evans." I said and butt bumped him to the groin area and he moaned as he released me. He took both of our bags and we walked up to the master bedroom on the second floor we were claiming. I noticed a king-sized bed and a small couch in the room.

"Oh good there is still a couch option." I said and Chris groaned. He closed the door and then walked up to me taking my hands.

"Hey, listen, I know this isn't what we planned out but maybe just make the best of it. It's a big bed, tons of pillows. We can make a barrier with the pillows. No touching, just sleep in the bed...please." Chris said and I sighed. His eyes looked pleading and I sighed.

"Fine but the barrier gets broken once, I move to the couch." I said and Chris held up his right hand.

"Scout's honor." Chris said and I laughed as we heard pawing the door and smiled as I opened it and Dodger came running in.

"Can't forget about you buddy." Chris said and I smiled as he ran to the couch and laid on it.

"Looks like I lost the couch." I said and Chris laughed as we started unpacking.


*****CHRIS POV******

Jade was taking a shower getting ready for dinner and I knew I needed to talk to mom. She was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"Hey Ma." I said walking in and kissing her cheek.

"Hey soon to be birthday boy." She said and I smiled.

"Yeah about that..."

"Chris, what's going on?" Lisa asked me.

"So, tomorrow just isn't my birthday. It seems like Jade and I shared a birthday." I said and Lisa smiled.

"Chris!" She said hitting me in my chest. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Lisa asked.

"Well I didn't know until I was planning this trip honestly. I asked when hers was and she informed me." I said.

"You know I find your relationship weird at some points. I mean she didn't seem to know your birthday was coming up and then when I mentioned it she seemed shocked. Then you didn't now her birthday. Isn't this stuff you should discuss in the start of a relationship?" Lisa aske and I shrugged.

"I guess we didn't think about it." I said and Lisa sighed.

"Anyway, what did you get her as a gift?" Lisa asked excited.

"Nothing, she doesn't even want anyone to know. She wants this trip all about me." I said and Lisa groaned.

"Well that's just wont do. I will call the bakery tomorrow and have another cake made for her. What are her favorite colors?" Lisa asked. I just looked at my mom like she just spoke gibberish to me.

"Um...I don't exactly know." I answered.

"Chris! What do you actually know about your girlfriend?!" Lisa asked kind of loud.

"Not enough apparently..." I mumbled. Lisa just looked at me not hearing me.

"I will get you favorite colors tonight." I said and Lisa nodded. I kissed my moms cheek again and went back to the bedroom. As I closed the door Jade was coming out of the bed bathroom in a robe.

"Oh sorry!" I said and turned around quickly.

"Chris, it's okay I'm covered." Jade said and I turned back around and smiled at her.

"Listen, I was just talking to mom and she asked me some questions I don't know the answers to. I realized we don't know the simple things about each other and we should probably figure those out if we are going to be here with my family for a few days." I said and Jade nodded. We both sat on the bed facing each other.

"Let's get started." Jade said and I smiled at her.  

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