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I quietly packed everything up and got it all down on the porch waiting for the cab to get there that I called. The sun hadn't even come up and everyone in the house was still fast asleep, including Chris. I sat on the porch really thinking about what I was doing and knowing it was stupid, but the choices Chris and I were making we stupid. We both crossed lines we said we didn't want to cross and this would just make it easier, leaving without anyone knowing.

Once I saw the cab pull up I quickly got off the porch with my bag, got in the car and he drove off quickly. I turned my phone off for the time being knowing once everyone realized I was gone I would be getting calls, I didn't leave a note, I just left. It was a long ride back to the city but I was happy to be back and get the memories from the cabin out of my mind.

Once I got home I sat on my couch with my head in my hands. How did everything get so screwed up? This was fake, we said no kissing then we did in front of the family for show which I should have figured would have to happen. Sex last night was a mistake, we couldn't blame it on anything else but us getting too attached and deep, me leaving was my only option. I pulled out my cellphone and quickly called work to see if I could pick up some extra shifts now that I was back in town and didn't need to use all my vacation time.

*****CHRIS POV*****

I woke up and smiled. I rolled over to kiss Jade good morning and was met by Dodger.

"That girl wakes up too damn early." I said to myself and loved on Dodger. I then got out of bed putting on some clothes heading down to breakfast. Once I walked downstairs, I saw everyone awake but no Jade.

"Good morning. Jade still sleeping?" Lisa asked.

" she isn't in the bedroom or bathroom. I thought he was down here." I said.

"No, we haven't seen her. We figured after last night you two wouldn't be out of bed for a while." Scott said and I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Must you really...? I asked punching Scott in the arm.

"Chris, did she maybe go for a run or something?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know, she hasn't in the past few days of being here. Let me go see if she left a note in the room." I said and rushed back upstairs. Once I got to the room I noticed something I hadn't when I woke up, all Jade's stuff was gone. Her bag, her phone everything...all but a simple bracelet she had forgot to put on. It was a black braided bracelet. I grabbed it and put it on. I grabbed my phone and sent her a text message.

CHRIS: Hey why did you leave? What's going on Jade?

I waited for an answer but got nothing in return.

I didn't know what to tell my family when I went back downstairs, she was gone. Yesterday was amazing, last night was even better and I wanted to talk to her about the possibilities of things with us but she was gone. I walked back downstairs and everyone was looking at me.

"Where is she?" Lisa asked and I just sat on a stole at the kitchen island.

"Gone, she left." I said and Lisa looked at me shocked.

"What happened?" Lisa asked and I shrugged. Scott grabbed my phone from my hand and pulled out his.

"What are you doing?!" I asked pissed.

"Getting her number." Scott said.

"She didn't answer me, why would she answer you?" I asked.

"Because I'm not you. If something did happen she wont talk to you." Scott said then quickly sent a text.

SCOTT: So you just leave and don't tell me goodbye? Don't you love me more than anyone else? 😉🤣

Everyone waited to see if she would answer. Finally Scott's phone went off.

"Un-fucking-believable." I grumbled knowing she answered him and not me.

"Calm down at least we know she isn't lying in a ditch somewhere." Scott said and Lisa smacked him upside the head.

"Don't say that!" Lisa said and Scott groaned and opened his text messages.

JADE: I had to leave Scott, something happened and it made shit too real. Apologize to everyone for me please?

SCOTT: I can but we are all going to miss you these last few days. You and Chris okay?

JADE: Like I said Scott, shit just got too real.

Once she sent the last text Scott showed me the interaction.

"What does she mean Chris?" Scott asked me. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

"We had an argument last night about where we wanted to go in the relationship. I knew it was too soon but we all know me..." I said taking blame and making up an excuse. I couldn't tell them the truth.

"Chris..." Lisa groaned.

"I know mom. I didn't think she would fell like she had to leave this morning." I said.

"Well she obviously did and you need to figure out how to make it right." Scott said and I groaned.

"Can you text her and tell her I would love to talk to her face to face when I get back?" I asked and Scott texted.

SCOTT: Chris wants to meet up with you when we get back in town. He looks like hell Jade. Can you at least give him that?

JADE: Tell him to call me when he get's back into town and we can try to figure something out.

Scott showed me what she said and I gave a slight smile.

"Well that give me some sort of hope." I said.

"Chris, is there anything you need to tell us about you and Jade. Anything serious?" Lisa asked as Scott walked away and I groaned.

"No mom, we just had an argument and she must have just felt she needed to get away. I didn't think she would run and we could talk this morning. I just need to made this right, I need to explain myself." I said and Lisa sighed and grabbed my hand that was on the counter.

"Chris the way that girl looks at you...she has feelings for you and deep, she is hurting now maybe from the fight but hey couples fight. She will be fine, you both will be." Lisa said.

"And if she doesn't want to work this out?" I asked.

"Then you had a great 2 months and you move on." Lisa said and I sighed and just nodded. Lisa just sighed and walked away and I sat at the counter and was playing with the bracelet of Jade's I put on. I needed her to forgive me.

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