Morning Cuddles & Left Speechless

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I woke up the next morning with Chris's arm wrapped around me and I smiled. When we went to bed last night we didn't do anything but sleep. He just had hold me to know I was there and this wasn't all a dream to him. I heard someone knocked softly on the bedroom door and it cracked open.

"Is everyone decent?" I heard Megan asked and I gave a small laugh and nudged Chris.

"We are." He grumbled.

"I bring coffee." She said.

"Then you may enter." I said and she laughed and walked in. She smiled seeing Chris and I sit up in bed but he pulled me closed to him to lay in he crook of his arm and I smiled at him.

"Well this is promising." Megan said and I sighed.

"I'm choosing to move past it. I don't want to harp on it." I said and Megan smiled.

"Good, so can I release that as a statement?" Megan asked and Chris shook his head.

"No. We are going to the premiere tonight as a couple and that's all everyone needs to know." Chris said and I smiled up at him as he gave me a small kiss. Megan handed us the coffee cups.

"Okay well I have some outfit choices for you to pick from Jade, I have a favorite if you want to see it. Hair and make up will be here in a few hours but until then it's free time. Do you guys want breakfast?" Megan asked and Chris gave a small nod.

"Please and just leave it out there." Chris said and she nodded and left the room. Chris took my coffee mug from me and I smiled.

"You have a plan for something?" I asked and he nodded.

"More sleep and cuddling." Chris said and I laughed as we got more comfortable in the bed again and I was facing him. He pulled me flush against him. I snuggled into him and smiled as I did. "Comfy?" Chris asked with a chuckle.

"Yes I am, thank you." I said and he laughed. I quickly fell back asleep and Chris was soon to follow


I had picked my outfit out but I didn't want to show Chris until it was almost time to leave and he was dressed. It happened to be Megan's favorite outfit so it just worked out perfectly.

"The only scary thing is the heels." I said to Megan as we did my hair and makeup and she smiled.

"Just hold on to Chris." She said and I looked at him getting his hair styled and he winked at me.

"I will be by your side all night. You can grip onto me all night." Chris said and I smiled as slightly shook my head.

"I mean to asked you...when do you have to be back for work?" Megan asked and I groaned.

"Well because of all of this my job suggested I take a leave of absence." I said and Megan nodded and Chris sighed.

"Jade, I'm sorry." Chris said and I shook my head.

"It's okay." I saw smiling at him and reach my hand across to his and he took it and kissed my knuckles.

"I told Ana you were here. She is over the moon." Chris said and I laughed.

"She is probably not have to deal with you constantly now." I said and Chris nodded.

"Most likely." Chris said. We all sat in silence as I finished getting my hair and make up done. Chris was done before me so he headed into the master bedroom to get ready. Once I was done I headed into the spare room with Megan who offered to helped me.

"His jaw is gonna drop." Megan said and I laughed as I slipped on the heels.

"I hope so, he needs to be punished." I said and Megan nodded.

"You will do it in this outfit. Five bucks says he asks me if you two have to stay for the after party just because he wants to get you back here." Megan said and I laughed.

"Well he will be sorely upset because he isn't getting that for a while." I said, Megan looked at me shocked. "We jumped into that and need to maybe cool it and take this time to work on us." I continued and Megan smiled.

"I like that." Megan said and I smiled once I was done getting ready. I stood up and she helped me get steady in the heels. "Time for the reveal." Megan said and we walked out to the living room and I saw Chris is a white t-shirt, grey vest and grey pants. His mouth fell open seeing me and smiled.

 His mouth fell open seeing me and smiled

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" look..." Chris said and didn't finish the sentence.

"Speechless, I like it. It's what I was going for." I said and he leaned down giving me a small kiss.

" we have to stay at the afterparty?" Chris asked causing Megan and I to bust out laughing.

"I don't know why you think you would need to leave early Mr. Evans." I said. He leaned down to my ear.

"Don't act like you aren't thinking of our last time together in London and how I made you cum." Chris whispered in my ear and a clenched my legs together and then smacked him on his chest.

"That is why we aren't leaving early. We aren't doing that right now." I said and Chris groaned and leaned down kissing my neck.

"We'll see." Chris whispered in my ear again. 

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