Fallen Hard

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The next morning, I woke up with soft kisses being placed along my shoulder blade to the middle of my back. I moaned softly as I also felt fingertips skimming down my side to my front going between my legs.

"Chris..." I moaned and he smiled against kissing my back. I pushed back against him and he groaned since he was hard. I lifted my leg around him and he smiled. We didn't even speak he just guided himself into me and I squeaked out my pleasure and Chris smiled. Chris started thrusting hard and I moaned as I turned my head, he passionately kissed me as his fingers also started rubbing my clit.

"God already so wet this morning Jade." Chris moaned out in pleasure and I sighed as he started swirling his hips with his thrust and I cried out loud and he kept going.

"So close...." I moaned out and Chris nodded in agreement. With not words spoken only grunts and moans we released together. Chris placed his forehead on my back trying to catch his breath. His breathing was causing goosebumps on my body. I rolled over in his grip and smiled at him.

"Good morning." I said and he smiled and kissed me again.

"Good morning indeed." Chris said and I laughed smacking his chest. I looked at the clock on the nightstand behind Chris.

"When do we leave?" I asked and he sighed looking as well.

"Few hours still." Chris said and I nodded.

"You going over seas from here?" I asked and he nodded placing a hand on my cheek.

"I am, you and Scott are heading back to Boston and but Megan and I are going overseas." Chris said and I nodded.

"Good, I get to travel with my favorite Evans." I said and Chris groaned but I leaned in and kissed him.

"Don't tease Jay." Chris said and I looked at him oddly.

"Jay?" I asked.

"I'm trying out a nickname....don't you like it?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"It's different, never had anyone call me Jay before." I said and Chris smiled.

"Good, now you are my Jay." Chris said and I laughed. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and held me close to him.

"So...I was thinking...." I said and Chris grinned at me wickedly. "Not of that, calm down." I said and Chris laughed.

"So...what if while you were gone we were official? I'm sure you will be asked about it over there and I would hate for you to have to lie. What if we just made us official while your gone and then we talk about it more when you get back." I said and Chris smiled and passionately kissed me.

"So you want to be my official girlfriend, no make fake?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"As long as its what you want. I mean you were destined to be a bachelor your entire life." I said and Chris sighed.

"That was because I couldn't find the right girl. I got lucky that night with you Jay." Chris said and I smiled.

"Just don't hurt me Evans." I said and he sighed placing his forehead against mine.

"Never." Chris whispered.


It was time to check out and I was packing up everything and put the dress back in the garment bag and smiled at it.

"You looked amazing in that dress." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"It was actually pretty comfortable too." I said and he smiled. There was a knock on the door, Chris opened it and he smiled seeing Megan and then she looked at both of us.

"You two talked didn't you?" Megan asked and I laughed.

"How does she know?" I asked Chris and he shrugged.

"Been trying to figure that out for years." Chris said and I laughed.

"Did you talk though?" Megan asked. Chris walked over to me and placed his arms around me from behind.

"We did." Chris said and Megan smiled.

"So people are calling and asking so I can call this official?" Megan asked and I nodded.

"You can." I said and she smiled with a nod.

"I will do damage control on the plane. We have to go though." Megan said as we put our baggage on the luggage cart.

"What about the dress?" I asked and Megan looked at me and smiled.

"The designer called this morning after seeing the pictures of you in and insist you keep it." Megan said and my mouth dropped and I looked at Chris.

"You did look amazing. Don't know how many times I have to say it." Chris said and I laughed.

"Okay well I will get the bags loaded then you guys come down. Paparazzi is full force this morning. Chris next time we are in LA we are staying at your place." Megan said and he nodded and I looked at him.

"You have a place here?" I asked and he nodded.

"I didn't want to push you being at my house though. I didn't think of any other aspect." Chris said and I nodded as I walked up and wrapped my arms around his midsection.

"You are amazing, you know that." I said and he smiled.

"I try." Chris said and leaned down to kiss me.

"Chris...please tell me this isn't a stupid decision. I'm the one with the most to lose here." I said and he sighed and wrapped him arms around me tighter.

"It's not stupid. I was stupid to ask you to fake me date me. Listen I know it's a lot to deal with especially now with me being gone 3 weeks. We will be okay though, I promise you we will be." Chris said and I smiled at him. His cellphone then went off with a text.

"Time to go." He said and I nodded as we left the hotel room hand in hand.


Once we got to the airport we walked in, checked in and went through security.

"This is where we split." Megan said and I nodded. Megan looked at Scott.

"Come get snacks with me?" Megan asked and Scott nodded giving Chris and I a moment.

"3 weeks." I said and he sighed as he cupped my face.

"It will fly by and then I will be back in town, you will be back in my arms and in my bed." Chris said and I laughed as he leaned in a gave me a small kiss.

"So confident." I said, Chris shrugged and smirked.

"Maybe..." Chris said with a shrug, I smiled at him.

"Text, call or facetime me whenever you can. I don't care what I'm doing I can talk." I said and Chris smiled.

"Sounds perfect." Chris said as Megan and Scott came back over.

"Okay lovebirds, we have planes to catch." Scott said and I laughed. Chris gave me one more kiss and then let me go. I linked my arm in Scotts and we started walking to our gate.

"Someone had fallen hard." Scott said. I looked at him, blushed but nodded.

"Very hard." I said, he smiled. 

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