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"Chris and Jade are working through this difficult situation together and would like you to respect their privacy at this time. This was the statement released by Chris Evans team via all of his social media accounts this morning. To be honest I don't know what to believe from these two anymore. Chris is no longer answering any questions about her on the press tour and if questions are asked the interview is being ended. Did he really mess this up or is there some truth to what he said? I guess only time will tell." The news anchor said and I sighed hearing it as pictures of Chris and I flashed all over the screen. I just sat there and watched all of this unfold. I didn't know what else to do. It had only been a day since the news with Chris broke and I wasn't able to even leave my house.

"I need out of here Megan and I don't know how to do so." I said and she sighed.

"Do you want to come to Berlin? It's where he is going to be traveling to today and you guys can talk face to face." Megan asked.

"I don't know...I don't want to make public appearances or just be seen together because it looks good and looks like we are the happy couple." I said and Megan sighed.

"You two aren't going to work this out if you are in Boston and he is traveling abroad." Megan said and I groaned.

"Does he even want to see me?" I asked.

"He has been locked in his room since yesterday. He doesn't even want to go do press right now." Megan said and I sighed.

"When does he have press?" I asked.

"None until Berlin." Megan said and I sighed.

"I'll get packed, you want to get me a ticket and car to my house?" I asked.

"Yeah I will do whatever I can." Megan said and I sighed.

"Don't tell him Megan. I want this as quiet as possible. I will be waiting for him in the suite in Berlin." I said.

"Sounds good." Megan said and hung up. I went to my room and packed a bag and I groaned annoyed knowing I was even doing this. I was catering to a 41 year old baby. I grabbed my passport and just waited by the front door until I saw the car pull in my driveway. I placed my ballcap on my head and shielded my face. Once I got to the car I saw nothing but flashes and questions being asked.

"Are you going to see Chris?"

"Are you and Chris really together?"

"What does this mean for you and Chris?"

I ignored them like Megan always told me to and I rode to the airport in pure panic.

JADE: I got in the car, can I guess the paps are going to be at the airport too?

MEGAN: They will be but I already have airport security ready to meet you at the door and then walk you to your gate once you check in.

JADE: Thank you.

MEGAN: Chris asked about you just now? He wants to know how you are doing.

JADE: Tell him fine. Don't mention Berlin.

MEGAN: I won't. See you soon. You have access for his suite. You will have a key waiting. Just let me know when you get there and I will let you know when we arrive.

JADE: Sounds good.

I rode the rest of the way to the airport just thinking about everything going on. What was I thinking?! I couldn't go to Berlin. Before I could over think it we pulled up to the airport and I saw all the flashes starting as the door opened and security helped me walk into the airport, get checked-in and through security as paps followed and watched the entire time. Once I was at my gate I was left alone since I could be left alone. I kept my head down and just stayed on my phone. As I was waiting my job called me and explained to me with the media coverage right now maybe it would be smart if I took a leave of absence, I hated it but I had to agree. I put in my earbuds and just waited to board my flight.


Once I got to Berlin, I went to Chris's suite to wait for him. I wasn't sure how this reunion would go and I was hoping they arrived soon, jetlag was real. Megan text me 20 minutes ago and said they just landed. I was pacing in the living room of the suite wringing my hands.

MEGAN: We just got to the hotel, getting keys and be up.

I knew they would be walking in the door any minute. I heard the key lock beep and then the door open. I stopped pacing and looked at Megan as she walked in with Chris behind her.

"I don't know why she isn't-..." Chris started to say and then saw me. "She isn't answering her door Carly because I'm looking her standing in my hotel suite in Berlin. I got to go." Chris said and hung up dropping his bag and phone right inside the door and rushing me cupping my face. I didn't know how to react and then I felt his lips on mine passionately kissing me. Once we broke apart I just looked at Chris.

"We need to talk." I said and he nodded but leaned his forehead against mine closing his eyes.

"Let me just hold you for a minute." Chris said removing his hands from my face and wrapping his arms around me and I wrapped mine around his midsection.

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