Coffee & Details

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The day after dinner I was sitting in the coffee shop waiting for Chris to show up. I had just got my drink and sat down when Chris came walking in and spotted me, I smiled at him as he got his drink then joined me.

"Hey." Chris said and I smiled.

"Hey." I said and he sighed.

"Well what was the consensus after I left last night?" I asked.

"What?" Chris asked with a huffed laughed.

"Oh come on you know your family talked about me once I left. Did they believe us? What do they think?" I asked and Chris smiled.

"Everyone loves you. They think we make an amazing couple and they loved how we met." Chris said and I smiled.

"Right, good job on basically making that the truth." I said and Chris smiled.

"The less lies we tell, the easier it will be to keep this straight." Chris said and I nodded.

"Sounds good." I said and he sighed.

"Jade, I feel like an ass for roping you into this. I never should have asked this of you." Chris said and I reached across the table and grabbed his hand.

"Hey, it's fine. I came into this knowing what it was going to be. It's not like we have to go on dates or on that many. Just keep up appearances around your family right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Exactly. Thank you for this." Chris said interlacing our fingers and I smiled.

"Stop thanking me Chris..." I said and we both gave a small laugh.

"So, I wanted to talk about time frame and I think it will work out perfect." Chris said and I looked at him confused. "I have to go on a press tour soon for a movie I did. I will start off in LA but then I have everything overseas for probably a good part of a month. We could always end it after that, just say that we grew apart while I was gone and working." Chris said and I nodded.

"That works. How long until the press tour?" I asked.

"3 weeks." Chris said and I nodded. I knew 3 weeks was a perfect time. I wouldn't fall for this man that fast. He smiled at me then though, now I wasn't so sure.

"3 weeks works perfect. According to your family we have only been together a month, close to 2 by the time you leave. I mean you going away for a month would make sense and put strain on a new relationship." I said and Chris nodded.

"Exactly." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"So we are doing this...?" I questioned and he nodded.

"We are and I'm forever in your debt." Chris said and I shook my head.

"No you're not Chris. This is fine, I don't mind helping you. In fact I might use this to my advantage with my family as well." I said and Chris looked at me confused. "Don't worry you wont have to meet them but I can tell them I'm seeing someone and it's new. They have been wanting me to settle down as well." I said and Chris nodded.

"If you need me to come to a family dinner or something....?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"Oh no! They don't live here in Boston, only me. They are in Nevada, my parents and brother." I said and Chris nodded.

"So you can tell them you are with someone and not have any questions asked as to who?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yep, just tell them it's new and I don't want to put it out there too much yet." I said and Chris nodded.

"Jade, if you need me to ever have a skype meeting with them or phone call with you and them, I will." Chris said and I shook my head.

"We are all good. This is for you Chris, I want to help you." I said and he nodded with sigh. I noticed we were still holding hands.

"Hey, look at you two!" We heard a voice say and looked up to see his sister Carly come walking up to the table and we smiled.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Chris asked her.

"They kids are in school so mom day out! I wanted some coffee and I just happened to see the most adorable couple sitting and talking." Carly said and we smiled at her.

"Yeah, I have to work later this afternoon so we figured have an early morning meeting." I said and Chris looked at me shocked.

"You work tonight?" Chris asked and I nodded. I squeezed his hand so it wasn't noticed.

"Yeah, I told you that. You wanted to do dinner tonight but I told you I had to work..." I trailed off and he looked at me.

"Oh yeah! God my brain is scattered." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"Well I will let you get back to your date. Chris, do you think you could pick up Stella and Ethan from school today? I have to get Ethan out early for a doctors appointment. Ryan is working and mom was going to but something came up." Carly asked.

"Yeah sure, where am I taking them?" Chris asked.

"Just hang out with them. No one will be home until I get there." Carly said and Chris nodded.

"Sounds good." Chris said and hugged his sister and she then hugged me.

"Great to see you again Jade." Carly said and left and I smiled at Chris.

"Uncle Chris time!" I said and he laughed.

"I love spending as much time with them as I can. Especially since I leave for periods of time." Chris said.

"They understand Chris." I said and he nodded but sighed. Before we could continue our conversation Chris's phone went off and he sighed.

"I have to take this and then get to the meeting I know she is going to tell me to." Chris said and I laughed.

"Okay well I have to get ready for work so...I guess...I'll see ya whenever you need me for something." I said and he nodded. He pulled my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles.

"Thanks again Jade." Chris said, I got up and walked out of the coffee shop. I sat in my car for a minute just thinking about how deep and how far I was getting into this. Agreeing to no dates was clearly going to help me not too hooked. I saw Chris leave the coffee shop and he saw me. I gave a small smile, wave and I drove away.

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