Secrets Revealed

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It was a couple days after I was at Lisa's and Chris was still gone. I was sitting at home when my cellphone started blowing up with Chris Evans notifications. Ignored them since they had been mostly about the premieres. I stopped on a tv channel while I went into the kitchen to get a drink.

"Chris Evans drops major bombshell while out drinking in London!" I heard the newscaster say and I ran back in the living room.

"What?" I asked confused.

"So we all know about Chris Evans officially being off the market...or is he? Several reports and sources are claiming Mr. Evans let some beans spill on a night out at a local pub with some Gray Man co-stars." The anchor said and I sighed.

"What did you do Christopher?" I asked out loud. They played the cellphone video someone seemed to get of him talking at a bar.

"So okay you all know my girlfriend Jade right?" Chris said.

"Chris stop..." Ana said with a small laugh not knowing where this was going.

"She isn't even my girlfriend...when we started dating it was nothing but a fake relationship. I needed my family off my back and she was willing. She was just so lonely and tired of blind dates." Chris said. I then saw him put his arm around some petite brunette.

"Now this girl, is a girl I would love to get to know..." Chris said and kissed her neck as she giggled.

I felt like I was going to be sick.

"So what exactly is going on with these two? I mean at the premiere they seemed so lovey and so much in love. Now it was all fake? Jade is a good actress is all I can say. We have reached out to reps for Chris and we haven't heard anything back yet. Can't wait until we get the full scoop on this story." The news anchor said.

I ran to my bathroom and instantly got sick, this wasn't supposed to happen, this wasn't how this was supposed to go. Once I finished getting sick my cellphone started ringing on the coffee table. I walked in back in and saw it was Chris. I ignored the call and then called work and called off for the next few days. Chris kept calling and I wouldn't answer, he finally text me.

CHRIS: Please let me explain.

CHRIS: I didn't mean to do it.

CHRIS: I was drunk.

I ignored him and clutched a pillow to my chest and worked on not trying to cry. How could he do this? Not only did he spill intimate details...he was flirting and all over some other girl. He stopped after his I was drunk text and I was thankful. My phone started ringing again and I saw it was Megan. I sighed knowing I needed to talk to her.

"Hi." I said answering the phone.

"Chris, I got her." Megan said and I heard him sigh.

"I don't want to talk to him Megan. You put him on the phone, I hang up." I said and she sighed. I heard her say something muffled, him groan but then Megan let out a sigh.

"So, you have seen..." Megan said.

"Oh yeah I have fucking seen." I said annoyed.

"Hey, don't take your anger out on me." Megan said and I groaned.

"Sorry, I just don't get him. He wanted this...I thought he wanted me." I said and she sighed.

"We have to release a statement and it would be better if it was joint." Megan said and I sighed.

"Chris and I aren't together, as simple as that." I said and I could tell then I was on speaker phone.

"Jade..." Chris said.

"You don't get a say in this." I said.

"Jade come on united fronts are better." Megan said.

"How do we appear united Megan?! He fucked up! How would anyone stand by a man who fucks up like he just did?!" I said getting upset but fighting back the tears.

"We can just say that he was drunk and talking out of his ass." Megan said.

"And the girl?" I asked and Megan groaned.

"Yeah, that doesn't look good, but we can figure it out." Megan said.

"I have a question for Chris." I said.

"Yeah?" Chris asked.

"Did you take her back to your room?" I asked and I was met with silence. "Wow...we decided we would be together! You wanted this! Maybe you were destined to be a bachelor for life. You promised not to hurt me." I said.

"Jay..." Chris said.

"Don't. I'm done. Say whatever you want Megan, but I'm done." I said and I heard Chris sigh.

"Jade please..." Chris begged and I could hear his heartbreak.

"Don't act this way Chris, you did this to yourself." I said and I heard car doors outside my house. "Fucking shit!" I said looking out the window and then shutting my curtains. "Now I'm a prisoner in my own home. Paps have found where I live." I said and Chris groaned.

"Megan..." Chris said and she sighed.

"I'll get on it, but I think you two need to talk and figure this shit out. Chris, you fucked up and need to figure out how to fix this." Megan said. I hung up when she did and sighed waiting for Chris to call. After about 5 minutes my cellphone rang and it was a facetime call. I answered it.

"Chris." I said answering the call. I had tears streaming down my face and didn't even know it. Chris looked heart broken.

"Jay..." Chris said.

"Did you sleep with her?" I asked and Chris groaned but shook his head.

"In all honesty I got her back to my room and I couldn't do anything, I was thinking of you. Jade, I am so sorry." Chris said and I sighed.

"Chris, we went back and forth about this. I was scared to open myself up to you in fear of getting hurt and yet here I am. Camera's outside my house and hearing how you were unfaithful and ratted us out in a bar." I said and he sighed.

"I know, I fucked up! I don't want to lose you Jade, please." Chris said and I sighed and shook my head.

"I don't know if we can come back from this Chris, I don't know if I can." I said and hung up. I buried my face in the pillow and just cried. 

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