Destiny - Final Chapter

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*****5 YEARS LATER*****

I was sitting in the backyard on a blanket with Dodger and my 3-year-old daughter Mira and she was working on blowing bubbles. Dodger perked up when a car door closed outside and I heard him whimper.

"It's not him bubba, we still have 3 weeks until he is home." I said Dodger sighed and put his head back down.

"Daddy?" Mira asked and I shook my head.

"No sweetie, not daddy." I said and she sighed. I pulled my phone out and took some pictures if her blowing bubbles to send to Chris, she was growing up so fast. He hated missing it but I kept him updated with videos and pictures. I started recording a video.

"Mira say hi daddy." I said.

"Hi daddy!" She said excited and I laughed.

"No baby girl look at me and say it to the camera." I said and she looked up and past me.

"DADDY!!" She screamed and went running and I whipped my head around in enough time to see Chris pick her up and kiss all over her face as she laughed because his beard tickled her. I got up and rushed over to Chris and he leaned down while still hold Mira and gave me a passionate kiss.

"Yuck!" Mira said and broke us apart.

"Well then I guess we just kiss her." Chris said and we started kissing her all over her face and she laughed. Chris put her down and she went back to her bubbles as Dodger ran over and jumped on Chris.

"Yes I missed you too you big baby." Chris said and scratched behind his ears. Chris then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him and I placed my hands on his chest.

"You weren't supposed to be home for 3 weeks." I said and he shrugged.

"Filming wrapped early." Chris said and I smiled. "Why you have plans or something?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I had my other boyfriend coming over." I said and Chris sighed shaking his head. He then leaned down to my ear.

"Does he make you scream like I do?" Chris asked and I clenched my legs together and moaned.

"Don't so that Evans, not when I cant take you right here and now." I said and he smiled.

"Daddy! Watch!" Mira yelled pulling our attention away from each other." I said and Chris watched her blow bubbles. We went and sat on the blanket and I sat between Chris's legs and he wrapped his arms around me and we were finally a whole family again.


Later that night Chris sang to Mira and put her to sleep as I stood leaning against the door frame. Once she was asleep I barely had her door closed before Chris's lips were on mine pinning me against the wall.

"Bedroom, now." I said and Chris moaned as I took his hand and pulled him to the bedroom. WE quickly stripped our clothing and I pulled Chris to the bed and we got situated, he wasted no time and thrust in me. I cried out quietly and he smiled as I arched my back. He took the advantage and started kissing my neck and I moaned.

"God I missed you. Too long Chris." I said and he nodded as he crashed his lips too mine.

"I love you Jay...god." Chris said and started thrusting faster and harder. I started crying out loving the feeling. I felt him swell inside of me and I clenched hard all around him.

"Yes baby grip me..." Chris said and I smiled. Chris gripped my hands and interlaced his fingers in mine and squeezed and he released and I cried out as I released as well. He fully released and then rolled off of me, getting out of bed and grabbing me his shirt and my panties and he grabbed his sweatpants. Once he crawled back into bed and Chris sighed contently when I placed my head on his shoulder and left hand on his chest. He played with me wedding ring and I smiled.

"Never thought I would be here with you." Chris said softly and I looked up at him.

"Especially when I ran at the cabin." I said and Chris laughed.

"Especially then but here we are married 5 years, a perfect daughter and a perfect life." Chris said and I knew what he was doing.

"Did you think I didn't notice what song you sang to our daughter tonight? I thought that was my song?" I asked and Chris chuckled.

🎵But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms
And if you like having secret little rendezvous
If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do
Then, baby, I'm perfect
Baby, I'm perfect for you
And if you like midnight driving with the windows down
And if you like going places we can't even pronounce
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about
Then, baby, you're perfect
Baby, you're perfect🎵

I smiled at Chris once he was done singing to me.

"I am so happy my date was married that night at the bar." I said and Chris chuckled.

"Oh, I was too." Chris said and we laughed again.

"Thank you for kissing me that night at the bar." I said and he smiled.

"You're welcome." Chris said and I sighed contently knowing this was life we were always meant to have and meeting in the bar during the chance encounter was our destiny. Chris was my destiny.

💗💗💗THE END💗💗💗

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