Meet The Family

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I stood there and waited, once the door opened, I was met with a sibling I knew I met that night at the bar.

"Jade right?" She asked and I nodded with a smile.

"Right...and you're Shanna?" I questioned and she smiled with a nod.

"Good memory, come on in." She said and I smiled as I walked in the house and she told me where I could set my purse down and take my shoes off at. She guided me into the living room and I saw more people and I instantly was looking for Chris but didn't see him.

"She came!" I heard a voice exclaim and he came rushing up to me. I remembered who he was.

"Scott right?" I asked and he nodded and then hugged me.

"Nice to see you again Jade." Chris's other sister said from the couch and I smiled.

"Thank you Carly." I said. I then looked at Shanna.

"I think I should find Chris." I said and she laughed.

"He is still in the kitchen with our mom. Would you like me to walk you in?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No, I think I got it. Thank you." I said found my way to the kitchen. I saw Chris helping get something out of the oven for his mother. She looked up and saw me first.

"Chris..." She said and I smiled when he saw me.

"Jade?! You came!" Chris said and I smiled. He set the hot pan down and walked over to me.

"Of course I did. You wanted to me introduce me to everyone right?" I asked and he sighed.

"We don't have to..." Chris whispered and I shook my head.

"I'm here for you Chris. You need a girlfriend...I'm your girl." I whispered and he smiled. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you Jade." Chris said and I winked at him.

"Introduce me to your mom Evans. She is watching us intently." I said and he gave a small laugh.

"Mom, this is Jade...the girlfriend I told you all about." Chris said and we walked over to Lisa.

"I'm Lisa, it's so great to meet you. Chris didn't tell us you were coming." Lisa said and I smiled.

"We figured a surprise would be better." I said and smiled.

"Well it's amazing. Chris, go set her a spot at the table.

"Next to me!" Scott yelled from the living room and we laughed.

"I will sit you next to me, don't worry." Chris said and I smiled.

"Let me help you." I said and walked over to the dining room with Chris. He made sure we couldn't be seen or heard.

"You have no idea what this means to me Jade." Chris said and I shook my head.

"Chris, it's fine, really. I don't mind." I said and he sighed.

"You do know what I meant that first night though, this is just fake." Chris said and I nodded.

"Yeah, it's fine. We should really work out how fake we want this and how long it's going to last." I said and Chris nodded.

"We can meet up tomorrow if you want. Met at the coffee shop on main." Chris said and I nodded.

"Sounds great." I said and then 3 kids came running in.

"Hey! No running in the dining room!" Chris said as they laughed and then stopped dead seeing me.

"Who is she?" The one boy asked.

"Guys this is my girlfriend, Jade. Jade these are my nephews Myles and Ethan and my niece Stella." Chris said and I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet all of you." I said and they smiled.

"Uncle Chris, when is dinner?" Stella asked.

"Go ask Mimi." Chris said and they went into the kitchen. I looked at Chris.

"Huge family." I said and he nodded.

"Told you it was on the phone." Chris said and I nodded.

"Shanna opened the door and I met all your siblings but that was it." I said and Chris sighed.

"Sorry, if I would have known it was you at the door I would have answered." Chris said and I shook my head.

"No I think that was better. Proves I can show up by myself and take initiative to be a part of the family." I said and Chris smiled. He walked closer to me and took my hands in his.

"I do want to tell you if this ever gets to be too much or anything you just tell me. I will not make you stay if you are uncomfortable." Chris said and I smiled.

"Chris, I'm a big girl. Now why don't we go help your mom in the kitchen." I said and he smiled as we walked in hand in hand.

"Lisa, do you need any help?" I asked and she smiled.

"I would love some." She said as Chris and started putting food on the table. Soon we were all sitting down at the table. Once all the food was dished out and drinks were poured it started.

"So Chris, you never said how you met Jade." Lisa said and I looked at Chris knowing we didn't discuss this. Chris smiled at me.

"Well ironically at the same bar everyone met it at that night. A few weeks before that I was there as was she and she just had a horrible blind date. They guy was married and just an all-out jerk so after she kicked him to the curb I struck up a conversation with her and we just hit it off." Chris said and I smiled at him since he basically just used a version of how we really met.

"Actually he told me he was people watching the bar and had been watching me all night..." I said and laughed. Chris groaned with a laugh.

"You know that makes me sound like a creeper." Chris said.

"If the shoe fits..." I trailed off and he just looked at me and winked.

"Well I must say the kiss he planted on you that night at the bar, that was something..." Carly said and I smiled feeling my face give a small blush.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that much PDA but he said you guys didn't believe him." I said as I felt Chris place a hand on my knee under the table. He gave a gentle squeeze and I knew it meant this was working.

"Well we are happy to finally meet you and have you come around. We were starting to think you were fake or didn't exist." Shanna said and I smiled.

"Well I am 100 percent real, as you can see." I said and Lisa smiled at Chris and I. I turned to him and he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him as I grabbed his hand under the table and interlaced out fingers.

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