Boating & Tubing

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Chris and I got on the boat with Scott, his boyfriend Steve, his sister Shanna and her husband Graham. Chris got in the boat and then extended his hand to help me on. I looked back on the beach and saw Carly, with her husband Ryan and the kids getting set up. Lisa had gone into town get birthday supplies although she lied and said it was just a simple shopping trip.

"I won't force you. If you want to go hang with Carly, Ryan and the kids I won't be mad. Hell, I will come with you." Chris said and I sighed.

"No, I need to face this fear. Promise you won't leave me?" I asked and Chris crossed his heart with his index finger and I gave a small laugh. I took his hand and he helped me on the boat. I took a deep breath and he led me over to one of the benches on the side to sit down. Chris sat behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as Scott started up the boat.

"Scott, start off easy, okay?" Chris said and he saw Chris holding me and figured it was a problem. He winked and nodded.

"You got it." Scott said and they pulled away from the dock and headed out on the lake. Chris held me and placed his chin on my shoulder. I turned to him and smiled.

"You okay?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, so far so good." I said and Chris gave me a small kiss. Not thinking I wrapped arm around his neck and placed my hand on the back of his neck holding him to me. Once we broke apart, he looked at me. He smiled at me.

"What was that?" Chris asked and I shrugged with a wink and he laughed.

After a while of the boat being out on the water and riding around, I stood up when we were parked and took my cover up then sat back down.

"Shanna, can I see the sunscreen?" I asked and she nodded tossing it to me and I gave it Chris.

"Can you get my back and shoulders?" I asked and he nodded. He started rubbing in the lotion and he decided to give my back a massage as he did and I involuntarily let out a small moan.

"Enjoying yourself?" Chris asked and I nodded as his hands ran down my arms and he finished up. I took the lotion and covered my legs and finished putting some on. Chris came and sat in front of me with his back to me.

"Need something?" I asked and he laughed as I put lotion on him. I saw Scott and Steve getting the raft ready and tying it to the back of the boat.

"I don't know we would we tubing!" Chris said excited and I smiled seeing everyone's excitement.

"Obviously! What would a trip on the lake be without tubing?" Scott asked and then he looked at me.

"You ever been tubing?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"No." I said and he looked shocked.

"Never been tubing?! Have you been living under a rock?!" Scott asked and I started to slightly panic.

"Scott, stop." Chris said looking at his brother. Everyone was watching the interaction.

"Okay fine, just so you all know. I was skeptical to come on the boat because I went on a family trip once when I was a kid and we got on a boat when my grandfather went to fast and was jumping the boat on waves and I fell out of the boat. He didn't notice for a minute or so until my aunt was screaming at him. They turned around and got me, I had on a life jacket but kind of traumatized by boats and things." I said and everyone sat in shock. "It's okay though, Chris is helping me conquer my fears of the boat." I said smiling at him and he smiled back.

"Well, we are happy you came on the boat." Shanna said walking over and hugging me. I smiled at her once we broke apart.

"Time for tubing?" Shanna then asked the boat and everyone laughed. Chris looked at me and placed a hand on my cheek.

"Stupid question but you aren't doing this are you?" Chris asked and I shook my head. "It's okay." Chris said give me a kiss, this was longer than the short ones he had been giving me. When he pulled away, he nipped at my lower lip and smiled.

"Don't get yourself killed." I said and he laughed. Him and Shanna were going out first and I got my phone that was in a waterproof case to take pictures. I took one of Scott, Steve and I while Chris and Shanna swam out to the raft.

I sat down and Scott sat behind me to keep me steady as I watch Chris and Shanna out on the raft. I laughed at how much fun they were having and I took pictures of them. The boat hit a wave and I tensed up, then I saw Chris and Shanna hit the same wave and they went flying. I tried not to panic, Scott placed a hand on my shoulder and I calmed when I saw them both surface laughing. They swam to the boat and got in. Chris walked up to me and smiled.

"Worried about me?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"Not in the slightest." I said and he laughed. Scott and Steve headed out to the raft next and Chris was going to drive the boat.

"Come here." Chris said taking my hand and I stood on front of him at the wheel of the boat.

"I don't know how to drive a boat." I said and Chris laughed and kissed right below my ear.

"Calm down, I'm going to help you." Chris said sitting in the driver's seat and pulled me between his legs. I leaned down into his lap and I swore I heard a slight moan escape his mouth. We looked and Scott gave us a thumbs up and Chris put his hands over mine and he helped me start the boat and then steer. I smiled when I took his hands off mine and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You're doing it baby girl." Chris whispered in my ear and I moaned when he did. Once we saw Scott and Steve fall off the raft Chris helped me stop the boat and wait for them. After everyone having a couple goes, we were about to pack it in for the day. I was talking to Shanna when Chris came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Are you sure you don't want a go? Final ride of the day and I will go with you." Chris whispered in my ear and I looked out and sighed.

"I don't know Chris..." I said and he hugged me a little tighter.

"Trust me Jade." Chris said and I sighed and I turned my head to look at him.

"You'll make sure I'm safe?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'll have Scott go slow at first." Chris said and I smiled.

"Let's do it!" I said and Chris smiled and jumped off the back of the boat and I laughed hysterically.

"You're going?!" Scott asked and I nodded.

"Start slow." I said and he nodded. I jumped off the boat and we swam to the raft. Once we got on Chris looked at me and smiled as we laid on our stomachs.

"Ready?" Chris asked and took my hand. I took my other and gave Scott the thumbs up and we started moving. He followed his promise and started slow. Soon we had some speed and I was laughing and have an awesome time. I saw the boat hit a wave and I knew.

"You ready?" Chris asked and I nodded. We were thrown from the raft and I quickly surfaced as Chris swam quickly to me and I started laughing. He smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and went to his back as he saw back to the boat and we both got in. I wrapped myself in a towel and Chris got behind me on the bench again and he pulled me close to him. I turned my head to look at him.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" Chris asked with a chuckle.

"For making this one of the best birthdays in a long time." I said and Chris smiled.

"Same goes for me." Chris said. He was hesitant but he leaned in and kissed me, only this one had passion with it and I felt his tongue teasing my lips so I let him in. It was short once I let him in and I pulled away looking at him. I then leaned back and placed my head on his shoulder. I knew then. I was in too deep.

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