(1) The Beginning

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•Zeus's Point of View•

     Everyone was in the throne room, arguing like usual about things that we should gotten over ages ago.

Athena and Posiedon were having their normal, yet irritating disagreement about who became the patron of Athens.

Artemis and Aphrodite were bickering over their opinions of boys. Hephaestus and Ares were fighting over Aphrodite, while I was half listening to my wife, Hera, complain about all my affairs with mortal women.

It all seemed relatively normal, but all of a sudden a hooded woman appeared with a child, at the foot of the throne room near Hestia's hearth.

"Who dares interrupt an Olympian Meeting!" I boomed silencing everyone from their arguments.

The woman simply look up, set the child in her arms down on the marble floor, and vanished. This action caused immediate chaos to erupt in the room.

Everyone rambled in a confused state, causing even more arguments to spark. It began to get loud.

I silenced everyone again, and Hera and I walked towards the child. She was breathtaking, a newborn, none the less with her olive skin and dark hair.

Hera picked her up and cradled her in her arms. As she did this, a note appeared in my hand. It read:

Dear Olympians,

We are thrilled to inform you that the impossible has happened. This child is every single one of yours, plus Hades. She was created from a drop of blood from each of you.
She will be the savior of Olympus, as long as you raise her right. She will bring great power and happiness to Olympus, as well as sorrow and pain. We hope that she can bond you together as a family.


The Fates

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