(4) Meeting

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~2 years later~
Apollo's Point of View•

It was finally the summer solstice, and everyone seemed on edge, or at least they looked like it out of the corner of my eye. I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening, nothing was worth watching.

I had my ear buds in my ears, plugged into my iPod, listening to Bon Jovi. I was waiting for the meeting to be over so I could finally meet my daughter. Our daughter. Whatever. The entire concept hurt my head. I wasn't a big thinker; I liked to go with the flow.

Apparently, it was time for the important part because Hephaestus tapped on my shoulder. I pause the song, and stuffed my iPod into my pocket. Everyone was shifting around in their thrones, nervous for what's to come.

I, on the other hand, was pretty much psyched. A daughter, that gets to live with me on Olympus. Despite the fact that I have to share the girl with my family, it was awesome. Hera's presence with the child silenced me from my thoughts.

She was beautiful, at least the part of her  face I could see from behind Hera's legs.

"Everyone please shrink to human size, you're scaring her," Hera said with a small smirk. Everyone did as the were told, and walked to Hera to see Katerina.

Hera gently pushed Katerina from behind her legs to in front of her, so that we could all get a better view of our daughter. She was definitely beautiful, with dark brown hair that flowed down her back and eyes that seemed to change colors when she looked at each of us.

"She's so cute!" Aphrodite said, breaking the silence. Everyone nodded in reply, still slightly in awe.

"Just one question," Artemis began,"Do you like boys?" She knelt down to her level, so that they were face to face.

All Katerina said in reply was, "Icky! Icky! Icky!"

I couldn't help but laugh, this girl was definitely something.

"I like her! Can I keep her?" Artemis said with a smile. The corners of Zeus' mouth went up slightly, and started to explain how we would each get to meet with Katerina and teach her the powers that we blessed her with.

Just as he said this, we one by one blessed her. I blessed her with the power of light, healing, and music. She giggled after I blessed her, which made me warm inside. I sighed. I believe Katerina will make us better people and parents. I can't wait to teach her to use her powers.

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now