(19) Fine?

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•A/N Yeah this chapter is way past due...•

It's been almost 2 months since I was attacked. I could still feel the shivers up my spine. Ever since, my parents have been watching me like a hawk.

Have you ever had that feeling when you walk up to someone and you could tell they were just talking about you? It's been like that since the attack. I would just walk into the dining hall and all conversation would stop.

Everyone looked at me with pity, like I was a doll on the verge of breaking. They supervised all my activities and followed me pretty much where ever I went.

Once, I was walking by the throne room and heard them talking about me.

They spoke of me like I was a time bomb: bound to go off at any second. They all agreed to watch me and assist me with pretty much everything. It was aggervating. They treated me like a child. I ended up storming away with anger.

I threw my knife at the target. It hit the bullseye with a satisfying thunk.

Ares interrupted my thoughts with a slow clap. "Good job, kid. You're really starting to become a real fighter."

"Thanks," I muttered and rolled my eyes. I pulled the knife out of the bullseye and winced. I rubbed my wrist where I felt the muscle being pulled.

"You alright?" Ares asked me with an eyebrow raised. At least, I think it was his eyebrow. It might have been a motor oil for all I know.

I nodded my head and shook my hand. This has been happening a lot since the attack. I feel like my muscles are weaker and my bones more fragile. Just last week I broke 2 of my fingers in a door.

"Really? You don't look alright," Ares said as my face twisted in pain. I once again just nodded my head.

"I could always get Apollo—"

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" I snapped at Ares. I stormed out the target arena and straight to my bedroom. I slammed the door shut and flopped on my bed.

I could feel the anger inside boiling. Why couldn't they just leave me alone? All of them! All they do is watch me with pity. Like they really care what' s going to happen to me!

Let the anger flourish inside you, the male voice hissed inside my head. They don't care about what's going to happen to you. The only reason why the watch you is because they're afraid of your power. Show them how strong you really are.

It was the voice from Tarturus. I know that already. I'm fed up with it, that's all. They need to get a life, I thought back.

He's been speaking in my head for the past couple of months. I didn't mind it, really. He was the only person I could have a legitimate conversation with lately.

Right you are, my dear. You know that you are wonderfully talented in assisting me against the gods. If you would continue... officially... you can have everything you've ever wanted. You know first-hand that I can make that happen. Or, I can make your life a living hell again.

I thought about the offer. You promise that you'll stop my parents for good if I do? I thought selfishly.

Of course. Together we can put the gods in their place. I can protect you from any harm that comes your way for all eternity. Just give in, Katerina, the voice whispered through my head. I shivered, thinking about our time together in Tartarus.

I knew that if I finally pledged my loyalty to the voice, I could have everything I want. Plus, I could be made invincible. Maybe even immortal. I mean, my parents haven't even mentioned immortality to me. Shows how much they care about my safety.

I recalled what the voice showed me in Tartarus. He claimed everyday that the gods were evil. He told me that they didn't care about me. Most days, I would actually believe him. From what I've studied, the gods were selfish. They left me to rot on my own for most of my life. They don't really care about me; they care about the power I possess. He drilled into my skull that I should be against the gods.

A chill ran down my spine as I remember what the voice's main goal was. After all, he did push me into Tarturus and torture me for years. He trained me to be a ruthless, emotionless killer. Though, he stuck by my side all this time.  As much as I seemed to dislike him, I know him for who he really is. I got to know the voice in Tartarus... I learned a lot about his character. He wasn't really that bad.

He was my mentor. I had to give him credit for making me who I am now. He taught me that just because I came from a family of heroes doesn't mean I have to be one, too. I have to be strong in my beliefs.

I took a deep breath as I finalized my decision within me. The voice was truly the better option. He cares about my survival. He taught me to fight for what I want, and I'm going to do just that.

Alright. I'm in. What do you want me to do?

It felt as if the voice smiled. Excellent, just do exactly as I say.

•A/N Sorry for the short chapter. I tried to fit in something for you guys. I just started school last week and it's been crazy. I'll try to update again ASAP•

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