(12) Starting (And Leaving) Camp

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After the meeting, Michael and I discussed the quest. He told me the basics.

He told me that normally they wouldn't allow new campers to straight away leave on a quest, but he said Reyna needed me to go. Michael explained that Reyna had a strong feeling to let me go.

I spent the next 3 weeks at Camp Jupiter and tried to have a relatively good time.

I really enjoyed activities. I got to try archery and sword fighting. I was good at both of those things, oddly enough.

I finally got a weapon too, but I didn't have to pick one out.

On the first day of sword fighting, I woke up and went to breakfast. When I came back and checked my bed, I had a Camp Jupiter shirt and a box on it.

I set aside the shirt and opened the box. I gasped at what was inside. Two twin knives. Both had a bronze blade and an iron hilt. There were carvings in the hilts, too.

One read: 'Percussorem' in ancient script. That's Latin for striker. How I knew that, I have no clue.

The other one was carved: προασπίζω. Champion in Greek. That's weird. One's Greek and the other's Latin. How do I know both Greek and Latin? I shook it off and got ready for the activities. That's how I got my weapons.

Eventually, it was time to leave for the quest. I dreaded that day.

Sure, I'm trained now and know how to defend myself, but I couldn't help but feel scared. I felt odd about this quest; on edge like something bad is going to happen.

The day of our departure from camp came faster than I thought.

We, as soon as possible, got our stuff together and left camp. One of the older legionares drove us outside of San Francisco and dropped us off.

The cohort and I started to take off on foot. Michael led the way, and tried to explain to some of the younger campers that we shouldn't take a bus. Not yet.

Monsters could track us better that way. After all, we probably had a strong scent.

There were at least 15 of us all over the age of 13. We couldn't allow the youngest ones to come along. Too dangerous.

But just imagine if we did bring the whole cohort. I couldn't imagine all of the monsters that would attack us.

We reached Oakland and Michael let us take a break. We stopped at the nearest McDonalds to eat and rest.

Once we all freshened up, we left McDonalds (much to my despair) and walked to the nearest train station.

While we waited for the next train to come along, we began to talk through a game plan.

We really didn't have that much to work with. The prophecy was extremely unclear. More than usual, they said.

Everyone was nervous to go to Alaska. I asked why they are scared to go there. Helena told me that Alaska was the land beyond the gods.

Once we're there, no more asking for the gods' help.

The train finally arrived and we boarded it. I shared a seat with Helena. Her and I have become sort of friends since I first got here.

I put my stuff on the floor underneath my seat and took a nap. Well, it was sort of a doze off because I was restless.

I was shaken awake by Helena. She told me that we reached our destination. We got our stuff and walked off the train and out the station.

I couldn't help but admire the city's architecture. I also loved the constant buzz of noise. Welcome to Seattle, I told myself.

We, once again, walked outside the city. Michael decided that we could travel most of the way now on foot.

Everything was going fine until we heard a low hiss from behind us.

I unleashed Champion and Striker and turned around, alert.

About twenty snake-figured monsters were ready to fight us. Empousa, I think they were called.

They continued to hiss so we charged. We slashed and stabbed at the empousa. I helped Christina fend off one and it turned to a shower of gold dust.

It stayed like this, until one attacked me from behind and scratched me on my arm.

I cried out and turned.

"We've been looking for you my darrrling," she hissed at me.

All at once, it felt like the remaining empousa turned to me and attacked. I tried to block them all, but there were too many.

I heard Michael scream and look towards me in the corner of my eye.
The cohort came to my rescue and tried to fight the monsters. This only made them angrier.

I started to panic and pant. Did I mention I have anxiety issues?

I began to back up, and I tripped. I fell to the ground, but right before I hit the pavement, I fell through a portal.

I saw the world around me dissolve, and become green.

My anxiety took over and I blacked in front of me

~A/N Sorry I've been a little inactive lately, I've had a lot going on in my social life (yes I have one, hard to believe, I know) . Just to warn you a head of time, I will not be able to update for the rest of the week or next week. I will be on vacation with my fam and no WiFi :(. I'll try to be more committed when I return. Sorry about that cliffhanger, too ;)~

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