(5) Family is Forever

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•Artemis's Point of View•

I was on Olympus training and getting to know Katerina. She was sweet once she was comfortable being around me.

Currently, I was teaching her how to hold a bow. She kept holding it upside down, which I found cute.

While teaching her this, I discovered that she is left handed. It took me a while (longer than it should have) to figure that out. I finally got Katerina to hold the bow correctly, so I helped her get an arrow on the string.

I set her in the right position, and held her left hand, which was holding the arrow.

"Wait for my call," I said slowly, trying to get the arrow the point to the bullseye.

I paused, waiting for the right moment, then exclaimed, "Now!"

Katerina let go of the arrow. I looked away for a brief moment then back at Katerina. I hugged her, trying to comfort her. At this, she pointed to the target.

"Look!" She said with a smile dancing across her face. I glanced towards the target and gawked at what I saw. Sure enough, the arrow was on the bullseye.

Maybe she is truly my daughter, I thought. She has my skills, I can tell by the way she moves. I know, of course she was my daughter. But I've had my doubts. She was different , but I blame that on her other parents. Speaking of which, it was time to bring Katerina to Aphrodite.

I sighed and told Katerina that it was time to go. She pouted, but followed. I'd pout too, I would never want Aphrodite as my mother, let alone a teacher. I know that's mean, but it's the truth.

What does she teach her anyway? How to look like a model so guys can drool over her? I rolled my eyes at the thought. She would be in much more use as a hunter.

I reached Aphrodite's temple. I knocked on the door (the bright pink door, I might add) and waited patiently. I heard shuffling, and a crash and then the door opened.

Today Aphrodite had a turquoise tunic on that revealed a little too much cleavage, and some knee length silver sandles. She had rollers in her hair, and pop music was blaring out of her home.

"Hey my little sunshine!" Aphrodite said hugging Katerina.

"Dite!" Katerina said in reply. I smiled. She can't pronounce most of our names yet, so she has names for us. Aphrodite is Dite, I'm Missa, Athena is Ena, etc.

"I'm going to go I have stuff to do," I said walking off.

"Okay, bye Artemis!" Aphrodite said with a bounce of energy. Katerina followed this saying, "Bye Missa!" I grinned and walked to my temple.

Aphrodite's Point of View

Today Katerina and I were going to start talking about accessorising. I began by telling her the basics, like jewelry and bags. I didn't try to go into much detail, considering she is still so young. It doesn't hurt to get a head start about it though.

I felt like Katerina was half listening to me, so I decided that we would play fashion show today. She squealed in delight; this was her favorite game.

So we played, I helped her find cute outfits and we laughed and laughed. I knew I would cherish this moment with her. I wish I knew though, how soon it would end.

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