(11) A Quest

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We all stopped what we were doing and rushed out to the field. Everyone was in panic and had their weapons in their hands.

I, on the other hand, didn't have a weapon, so I was pretty much doomed.

Michael saw that I didn't have a weapon,so he stood in front of me like a shield. In the field was not a monster, though.

It was Octavian, with an elephant and many unicorns by his side. This sight would have blown my mind, but it wasn't the craziest thing that I've seen today.

"Drop your weapons!" Octavian said loudly. "I am here to issue a prophecy."

"Then what was that big crash about?" One of the campers said.

"Hannibal tripped." He replied casually.

I assume it was the elephant that tripped. Who names an elephant Hannibal? Oh wait, I get it. Hannibal was the elephant.... well I'm slow.

"Anyway, Octavian, you said you have a prophecy," Reyna said behind me.

"That's correct."

"How can Octavian give prophecies?" I whispered into Michael's ear.

"He's an augar. He has the gift of prophecy. Octavian is a descendant of Apollo," He said back.

Oh, I mentally said to myself, That makes sense.

"The prophecy is as follows:
The 5th cohort shall travel alone
Out to Alaska to start it all.
Losing one as they go
Fighting hard as the world is slow.
A treasured figure to honor is lost
Cursing all to pay the cost."

Everyone was silent, then started to decipher the prophecy. Eventually, it started to get loud.

"Quiet!" Reyna yelled and everyone shut their mouths.

That's my new goal in life; to get everyone to shut up by just yelling one word. I made a mental note.

"We will discuss this tomorrow. I declare a major Senate meeting tomorrow at noon. Now everyone off to bed."

Everyone muttered and started to their sleeping quarters. I kind of stood by Helena and she guided me to the cabin.

Michael seemed nervous and fidgety after Octavian stated the prophecy. He kept mumbling stuff like This is bad, and Knew this would happen.

I climbed into the bed Helena said I could have and got underneath the covers.

What a wonderful first day. Note the sarcasm. I've only been here practically 20 minutes and we were already given a death sentence. Hooray.

I basically stayed up the entire night thinking about the prophecy. Reyna should have told us something reassuring like It'll be fine, or Don't worry about it, or something. Telling us that we would discuss it in the morning is like saying, We're all about to die. Sleep tight!

I sighed and turned on my side. From the looks of it, everyone was pretty much awake. Everyone was tossing and turning with anxiety. None of us had anything comforting to calm us down.

I must have dozed off sometime in the night because I woke to Michael shaking me awake.

"Hey, wake up. Reyna wants you to come to the meeting. Now."

"What? No good morning or how'd you sleep?" I asked him groggily.

"Fine. Good morning. I need you to get up out of bed before I push you off."

"Oh, someone's in a mood."

"Shut up."

I smirked and got up. I checked the time. 11:34 A.M. I missed breakfast! Ah, oh well.

"How come no one woke me up?" I asked him frantically trying to smooth out my hair. I had no clothes to change into, so I tried to fix the ones I had on.

"Trust me, we tried. We kind of gave up after we used the blow horn."

"Come on, it couldn't have been that hard."

"It really was." He grinned and stared at me.

I blushed and walked towards the door. Michael jumped in front of me just in time to hold the door. Aww, what a gentleman. Makes me sick.

We started to the Senate House. In the meantime, Michael tried as best as he could to show me things. After all, no one actually gave me a tour.

We laughed and joked until we got the the Senate House. Michael slipped on his toga over his jeans and purple shirt and we sat down.

Reyna came in the front of the room and started the meeting.

"Welcome legionaries, centurions, and guests. I call this meeting to order."

They started to speak of the prophecy. So far, they knew for sure that the fifth cohort was going to Alaska to start something.

Joy, I thought, I get to go on a trip to Alaska.

Alaska seemed cool, no pun intended. As long as they had food, I think I'll be good.

I started to wonder why I was here. Suddenly Reyna called my name and told me to come to the front.

I walked to the front. She made me do a pledge thing. I recited the words after her and sat back down.

Now I am an official member of New Rome. I get a tattoo like the rest once I complete the quest. A way to prove myself, they told me. For now, I get a probatio tablet. Whatever that is.

If only I knew that I was in the wrong place and I would never be an actual member of Camp Jupiter.

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now