(6) Tragedy

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Zeus's Point of View

It was the middle of the night. I was sleeping, more like spying on other people's dreams, since gods don't sleep, in my bed with Hera on my left side. I was in my bedroom on Olympus, and for once it was quiet. The buzz of the market seemed to fade away, leaving the noisy silence. Everything was as it seemed.

Suddenly, I jerked awake to the sound of a loud thump. I sat up, and so did Hera. She must of heard it too. Together, we quietly got up from bed, trying to not make a single noise. We made it to the door when we heard a someone crying.

Hera and I exchanged glances, and ran out the room, searching for where the crying was coming from. I finally found the room and pulled Hera by my side. What we saw next made us want to break down sobbing.

It was Katerina, and a cloaked figure. Katerina was bawling, and her hands and feet were bound together with rope. Hera and I stood together to fight the man, and we charged forward.

The hooded man took this as a threat and grabbed Katerina. Hera and I blasted the man with our powers, but he deflected them.

He ran off with Katerina, who was still sobbing, and vanished out of thin air. They did this just I was going to touch them. Hera and I gasped a stood for a moment in silence. Hera sank to her knees, and started to cry. I joined her in crying, and wrapped my arms around her.

We stayed that way until the morning, where the other Olympians found us. We told them what happened, trying to choke back sobs , but it didn't work. Once we were finished, there was not a single dry eye in sight. Everyone cried and called out in denial.

All we could do is hope that our daughter was alright. I sent all of my best hunters to look for Katerina. Even Hades looked for her in the Underworld. We tried our best to think that Hades wouldn't find her there.

We never found her after years of searching. Ever since, the gods were restless. Everyone was different after the incident and I couldn't blame them. Everyone had a special connection with Katerina. I became cruel and I shut people out. I never forgave myself for what happened, even though it wasn't my fault. I still blamed myself.

Eventually, everyone learned to hide their feelings and to never, and I mean never, mention her. Not even her name. We couldn't bear the thought of her without breaking down.

She truly changed us, and for that I prayed that she would be alright, wherever she was, and that we would find her.

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