(41) Stalking Isn't Very Nice

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Katherine's Point of View•

Thanatos and I concentrated on who ever was spying on us.

I focused on their auras. I'm not entirely sure how I got the power to detect people by their auras, but it comes in handy often.

There was more than one person watching us. Their auras felt familiar, too familiar.

"You guys can come out now," I said monotone. I heard them shift, then stand up.

"I told you not to hide that close!" I heard Athena scold.

"How else was I supposed to watch the action?" Aphrodite shot back.

Thanatos and I stood up and faced them. We both crossed our arms.

In front of us stood my most nosy parents. That would include: Athena, Aphrodite, Zeus, Apollo, and Artemis. The rest probably (rightfully, too) decided to give me space.

This was one of the many reasons why I hated my parents with all my being. They were more clingy than a crazy girlfriend on a Friday night.

"What do you think your doing?" I asked.

"We were just passing by and heard you two," Apollo explained, "So we decided to eavesdrop just a little bit."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. I scoffed.

"Well, hello Thanatos," Zeus said courtly. Thanatos raised his eyebrow in response.

"So what were you guys getting into," Aphrodite said with enthusiasm, "Details, please."

I blushed and looked away, acting bashful though I was truly hiding my irritation. Of course, the minute I decide to talk to someone of the opposite gender, they have to spy on me. Aphrodite perked up waiting for us to reply.

I exchanged glances with Thanatos. "We were just talking," I said.

"Just talking? This ship needs some adjustments," Aphrodite said while making a mental note. I scrunched my eyebrows.

"What's a ship?"

Aphrodite shook me off. "Nothing, sweetie. Just what I call the relationships I support," I looked at her like she was a mad woman.

"Oh, it'll catch on! Don't doubt me," Aphrodite said. Thanatos cleared his throat.

"I best be going," Thanatos said stepping away awkwardly, "I'll see you later, Katherine."

I gave him a small smile before he turned and left. Now it was only me and my aggravating stalkers.

"You guys are so cute together," Athena said while grinning. I put my hand on my face, attempting to cover up my real expression.

Oh, if only they knew the truth of my love life.

"We're just friends," I finalized, "We are not in a relationship. We literally just met."

"Since when has that ever stopped you?" Artemis mused. I looked away. That stung a bit.

"The point is, Katherine," Zeus said, "That you will never have a relationship with any guy that we wouldn't find out about. We will always make sure that you only have the best."

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now