(20) Like I'm Scared of a God

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I stood with my back pressed against the back of Zeus's throne. I looked at my watch and rubbed my hands together with excitement. 11:58 P.M. Two more minutes.

I walked in front of Zeus's throne and leaned against it. My watch buzzed, so I hit snooze. I looked up just as the air in front of me swirled and turned a sickly green color.

I pushed myself off the throne and towards the portal and stopped in front of it. I looked around to make sure no one was following me. Once I was satisfied with my observations, I turned back to the portal and stepped through it.

I landed on the ground in a crouch position. I stood up and brushed off my hands on my blue jeans. I was in a cavern with scriptures on the stone wall.

I walked towards the scriptures. Doing exactly what the voice said, I brushed my fingers across all of the scriptures and stepped back.

The script glowed with golden light. The wall split into two revealing a new room. I powered-walked into it.

Once I was in, the wall slid back into one. I looked around once more and walked to the end of the room. I pushed against a piece of the rock. On touching it, a section of the side wall revealed a door. I opened it and stepped inside. A long hallway came into view as I shut the door.

Darkness engulfed me for a few moments. I closed my eyes and concentrated on fire. I thought back to the process I learned in Tartarus. I felt my palm get hot. Blue flames danced across my palm.

I rushed forward. The hallway twisted and turned so many times I lost track. Eventually, I reached the end of the hallway where a stone door stood. I checked my watch. 12:40 A.M. Right on time.

I was now on top of a mountain overlooking the ocean and a big city. I heard grunting and gasping from behind a column in the ruins. I ignored it and walked to a patch of grass.

I pushed my left hand down on the ground. I was now in a crouch position. The ground around me began to shake violently, but I stayed still. I shut my eyes waiting for it to begin.

I felt a sharp pain dance up my arm. It traveled through every joint and muscle in my body. I gasped out loud and opened my eyes to witness what was happening.

My arm was glowing with a gold color. In fact, my entire body was glowing gold. I felt the power pulse through my veins and through every cell. I grinned with achievement.

Yes child, the voice hissed inside my head, it's working.

It continued like this for a while. Suddenly, the ground stopped shaking. I stopped glowing. Everything went back to normal.

I stood up quickly, making my knees pop from crouching too long, and tried to catch my breath.

The ritual is complete. Now you are ready, the voice snaked inside my head.

I walked away from the grass and towards the cliff onlooking the coast. I watched the tide come up and retreat back. It made me think of Poseidon.

I turned to the city. Even in the middle of the night, lights gleaned and cars honked. The city made me think about Olympus and my parents. Am I doing the right thing?

I shook my head and regained my composure. Of course this is the right thing. No turning back now.

I walked in the ruins. I passed Atlas holding up the sky. He glanced up when I did, but didn't say anything.

I reached the end of the mountain. The waves crashed against the rocks below me. Once again, the air in front of me rippled and turned green.

I glanced towards the city one more time, and then at my watch. I stepped through the portal as I processed what my watch said.

2:13 A.M.


I stepped out the shower and dried myself off. Yes, I took a shower at 2 in the morning. Don't judge.

I slipped my black v-neck shirt over my head. I then put on my black Nike pros.

Tired, I flopped on my bed.

I stared at my ceiling. Even though it's only been an hour since the ritual, I felt stronger. I felt as if I could destroy Olympus with just the flick of my wrist. Whoever's power I absorbed must of been really powerful.

I waited for my eyes to get tired. Once I realized they weren't going to, I turned on my side.

I pondered for a moment. Now that I completed the ritual, can you tell me who's power I took?

There was no response. I waited for a couple of minutes. Maybe the voice went to sleep? Nah, highly unlikely.

It was my power you took, the voice whispered in my head answering my question.

Your power? Why would you give it to me? Don't you need it?

I gave it to you because I knew you could handle it. Since you proved yourself all those months ago in Tarturus, I knew you were capable of great things.

So that's what Tarturus was? An initiation?

Yes, I had to be sure that I could trust and rely on you. Anyway, I don't need the power to survive, but you do.

I'll survive, alright. I feel like I can take down all my parents in one shot.

Yes, child. I'm sure you could. But you have to be careful. They are dangerous and unpredictable.

I scoffed. Like I'm scared of a god.

The voice chuckled and said something back.

I nodded and yawned. I was too tired to inspect what he said. Well, now that I have your power, can you tell me your name? I asked tiredly, closing my eyes.

I drifted off to sleep. As I did this, the voice's name echoed through my head.


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